Chapter Two//First Day

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(Song above: You can play it if you want, it kinda matches the tone of this chapter I guess XD No the lyrics tho, just saying XD. Credit to Cash Cash who made that amazing song! ^^)


She smirked as she placed her hand on the window shelf.

"My human is quite cute~" she hummed.

She tilted her head up to see the moon shining back.

"And I'll make him mine. Even if I have to play rough to do so...."


My alarm clock buzzed it's annoying sound once again telling me to get by butt out of bed. Such a heartless machine. Can't it under stand how much sleep means to me?

I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. Then I smiled, knowing the hardest part of the day is over-

Wait. Today I meet my human.

Just that thought woke me up to the max. I crossed my fingers and walked downstairs to my kitchen.

On the table there was eggs and bacon. My brothers where already there all looking as if they haven't slept for years.

I laughed at the sight of 3 boys. "Looks like you guys are excited this morning"

Max glared at me. "Katelyn, you've never even tried playing an mmo before so shut up"

Daniel sighed, "It's not my fault they make special quests in the middle of the night!"

"I just wanted to sleep yet the dragged me into it..." mumbled Chris.

I shook my head. "Your lucky you guys are still in middle school. Once you get to highschool your going to die"

The only reply I got was a snort.

Once I finished eating my breakfast while trying my best not to insult my brothers I got changed into my uniform and fluffed my wings.

I closed my front door and extended my wings. Flying up high enough so that I could see my school, I started flying towards it. Every inch I got closer to that dump of a school my nervousness grew inside of me.

Once I could see the school in sight I flew down to its entrance. Swinging the doors open, I trotted through the halls and into the gym.

We where instructed that after the Guardian Choosing to go to the gym where they would repeat the rules and let us into a portal to go through the human world.

Once I entered I saw my two best friends, Nicole and Aphmau waving at me.

As I sat down beside them I asked them both, "Who is your human? I'm sorry I was asleep throughout the end of it once I knew who mine was"

Aphmau giggled at my little comment. "I have this person named... Arron."

Nicole smiled slightly, "I have a guy named Dante."

I sighed, "I have Travis. Let's just hope that they will be nice and not trouble makers"

"Yup. We can only hope..." hummed Aphmau as she crossed her legs.

"Attention students! Today is your first day as an Guardian Angel!" Bellowed our principle who was in front of the gym on a stage.

"Ever since you've been at this highschool you've been learning about humans and how there world looks. You all have been trained to protect them. You all know if you don't do a good job there will be consequences"

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