CHAPTER 12: Missing

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"(Y-(Y/N).." I stuttered,reaching a hand out to her but instead,I got ignored and was glared by Mayuri and Aito so I pulled back my hand regretfully.

What have I done?!

Stupid stupid stupid me!

I mentally facepalmed myself in the face as I observe every movement of (Y/N).

I'm so sorry my angel..

I've ruined your beauty.

Please forgive me.

"What the hell man!" One of the crowd shouted. Slowly,bit by bit,most of them insulted me for hurting a girl. I could feel my blood boil but I masked it with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). P-please forgive me.." I crouched down,lending her a helping hand and hoping that (Y/N) would forgive me. She glared at it and slapped my hand away.


"I need some private time alone. So if you excuse me,I would like to leave,Takade kun." (Y/N) unemotionally said and walked away with Mayuri and Aito help. I was left alone,still insulted by the angry crowd.


Didn't I said that you will be mine?

I'll make sure you will fall for me,

But it just have to wait..

I giggled and walked away.

"What is wrong with him?!"

I went over to the guy who said that and hissed in his ear intimidatingly,"Count yourself lucky that you are still alive." The guy shivered to the bone and ran away,fear clearly shown on his face.

It's not my fault right?

I mean,if Aito and Mayuri didn't came,it wouldn't have happened like this..


I'm innocent.

I didn't cause this..

Mayuri did.

By the time I left,the angered crowd simmered away and continued with their business. I followed the triplets movement,trying to get a chance. Aito and Mayuri comforted (Y/N) and brought her to a food stall. They treat her to food,stuffing themselves along the way and (Y/N)'s smile widened,a smile bigger than when she's with me.


She enjoys herself together with Aito and Mayuri chan more than me..?

What a waste of my time.

After for like an eternity of waiting,Mayuri stood up from their table and went to the toilet since she drank and ate too much. I took my chance before it slips away and covered her mouth with my hand to prevent her to create attention and dragged her behind the toilets.


"Shut up will you?!" I released my hand from her mouth and smacked her,causing her to fall to the ground. I walked towards her and pulled out a knife.

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