☆Chapter 14☆

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I got back into yoga, it's kind of hard to stretch, do yoga tricks. But I'm not going to quit.

I just went to my yoga room. I put my gym bag down, and took my cold water out my bag.

I literally hope I don't break anything, because I need everything in my body. I'm just going to take it slow. I stretch for a good 10 minutes. I did my V-sit, straddles. It was time to do my heel stretch.

I prayed before I did anything else at the moment. I got into position; and counted in my head. My heart rate was beyond the top.

I got out of position to sit down. I don't want to give up. I called Kodie to calm me down.

It rung for 10 seconds, that's when I heard loud music.
(I'm doing the convo like a script :-/)

Kodie: Hello? What's wrong?

Me: I'm at the yoga studio. My heart beat went beyond the top! I dont want to quit but, I'm to afraid I will break something.

Kodie: Can you do some hard yoga tricks you use to do?

Me: I didn't try yet because I have to stretch. Can you come here and help me? I'm around from Walmart.

Kodie: I just left from over there. I'm down the street.

She sound like she was agitated.

Me: Nevermind. I'm going to go to the park and I'll be home soon.

Kodie: Alright, be safe. I lo-

I hung up, shaking my head. I'm not going to no damn park forreal. I'm going to try to do my heel stretch by myself.

I was getting in position, while breathing in and out. I put my leg up, well the highest I can go.

I was so shocked that I reach where I was before...well kind of.

"Damn! You better than me." A feminine voice said. I put my leg down.

I looked at the door it was Lay. "Girl you scared me." I said while playfully hitting her arm.

"My bad but, I came here to see how you doing." She smiled. Atleast she cares about me.

I smiled at her. "Well thank you! I miss you Lay." She looked down at the floor.

"Umm..about you Serenity. I dont want to catch feelings because you're engaged. I want to kiss you but, it shouldn't mean anything." She groaned at what she said.

It's just a kiss right? It won't mean anything. I was thinking about it.

"Okay, but we must go in the closet over there. My boss can walk in at anytime." I explain to her.

She went to the closet, then she waited on me. I felt like I was doing a bad thing. The kiss don't mean anything.

"You ready?" I asked. She shook her head. I leaned in to kiss her, she was shaking. Our lips met in sync. I actually love it.

The room got heavy with sexual feelings. She bit my bottom lip, I felt here hands roam. She pushed me against the wall.

She kissed my neck, but I pulled back. I dont want to see Kodie leaving me.

"I can't Lay." I said while wiping my lips. She looked away for a minute. We left the closet, then she looked down.

"I really want you Serenity." I rubbed her lips. I looked in her eyes. I kissed her cheek then I smiled.

"Okay then Serenity! My girl just kissed my 'best friend'." I looked at the door.

Kodie look at me with tears in her eyes. I swear our relationship is over. I just ruined it all for us!

"Let me explain!" I yelled. Kodie looked at me then Lay, she has to give me a chance.

"Serenity I hate that you did this. I dont want to be in a relationship with you anymore. I'm glad I know you like my was 'bestfriend'. Why me Reni why me? Huh? Leah I trusted you and I need you with everything. Why you do this?" She said with anger.

"Kodie she wanted a kiss." I grabbed her hand. "Why would you give her a kiss when you have my ring on?" She stared in my eyes.

I looked in her eyes, she cares about me to much. "I didn't think nothing of it. I'm sorry!" I rub on my neck.

"I can't be with you right now Serenity. I love you but I'm tired of getting hurt." She left out without saying anything.

I ran out the door to catch up with her. I saw her walking down the sidewalk. "Baby please don't leave me." I was crying so bad. She looked at me, then she looked down.

"I can't stay with you any longer. See you around Serenity." I grabbed her arm but she snatched her arm away. She just walked away.

I went back in the yoga room. Lay still sitting there, frozed. "She left!" Lay had her arms wide open for a hug. I sat on her lap crying.

"I never felt so broken lately. I had the best thing in my life, someone who loved me for me and I fucked it all up! I'm so done with life right now. She won't let me in her heart anymore! She won't even trust me anymore, with anything!" I cried while Lay comfort me.

"Girl, one thing I know about Kodie Don Shane is that, she will never forget about something she loves. Based on yall relationship she will come around. You guys been through everything together." I grabbed her hand.

"What if she hates me and would never love me again?" I asked. She looked at me. "She wouldnt hate someone she's been dating. Especially not you, I know that for sure!" She assured me.

My heart rate slowed down. My vision got blurry, I couldn't breathe. I felt like vomiting. I clenched on to my chest. "What's wrong?" Lay asked. I grabbed on to her shirt.

"H-h- ca- brea-" I couldn't get a my words out. She called 911 quickly. "I need a ambulance right away! My friend..she's not breathing! Please send someone quickly! The address is Fillmore Drive 580. Thank you." She   groaned.

I feel like this is my last day to live. I never been so weak. I saw Lay crying out of the phone. I couldn't hear, I felt my eyes get heavy. I tried hard to stay up but I couldnt.

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