☆Chapter 17☆

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I AM SO HAPPY I HAVE MY BABY BACK! I really miss her, I also miss her fun times. I will never let her go.

I'm currently at the Midnight Bar with Kodie. We decided to have us some time to ourselves. We been here for 15 minutes now.

"You see her?" Kodie asks me. I looked at the entry. "I see her." I saw Leah. I need to get away from this. "I'm about to go to the restroom. I'll be right back baby." I told her.

I went to the restroom and looked in the mirror. I just want me and Kodie to have time alone. I went in my purse. I got my lip gloss out and mascara.

I put on my lip gloss, then my mascara. I opened the door to go back out. I bump into Lay. "My bad Serenity." She apologize. I nodded my head and continue to go out.

This girl pushed me back in the restroom. "What the hell Lay?" I questioned. She smiled. "I missed you! I want you to be with me not that lame bitch."

"Kodie isn't a lame bitch! Get your facts straight. I don't understand you Lay. I thought you was someone I can talk to." I explained. "Come kiss me!" She yelled.

"No I just got my baby back and I'm not losing her now!" I yelled.


Serenity been in the restroom to long. I'm starting to get bored. I text her to tell her I'm ready to go. I waited a good 5 minutes, time for me to check on her.

I walked to the restroom, which took almost forever. All these people in my way. I finally made it to the restroom.

I saw Lay and Serenity kissing. I wanted to beat their ass. "Help me!" Serenity yelled. I punched Lay in the face. Serenity ran out of the restroom.

"Lay what do you want?" I ask her. She examined me from top to bottom. "She came on me, you need to control her." She said agitated.

I rushed out the building, I started pushing people. I made it out to my car. Serenity crying for some reason.

"I don't want to hear it! I'm done with our relationship! We will never be the same." I yelled. I felt that she would do it again. I'll just take her home. "Get in the car Serenity!"

She sobbed while getting in. "I promise I didn't want to kiss her! I tried to get away." I don't even care anymore. I drove to this empty parking lot near the woods.

Serenity looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I want to vent to you." I told her while rolling a blunt. I lit the blunt and starting smoking it.

"Wanna hit it?" She took it. "Yo' you better be glad I fuck with you, because I wouldn't let you smoke my blunt for free." I told her. I took the blunt from her. I took a long blow.

"You broke me you know. But, I want you, forever and ever. Serenity when I'm asleep I dream about you, even when I'm up. I'm fading, I'm lost without you. There is no me without you." I grabbed the blunt.

I took another blow. "I want you. After everything we've been through. I don't want nothing but you." I finished.

She was very interested in what I had to say. I think I have to trust her on this one. "I don't think I've ever felt this way before, and you know that you've never felt this way before." I said softly.

I felt better telling her my feelings. She chuckled. "I never felt this way before. How did you know?" She asks.

I looked at her. "I know. You know I don't want nothing but you." I told her. "Leah wants to break us up. I can see it." She says. I rubbed my temple. I nodded.

"Serenity are you happy?" I looked at her. "I'm happy with you. But, me being myself no. I'm not happy." She looks out the window.

"I'm never happy! My mom hates me, she almost killed me. Emotionally in my state of mind I'm not sure if I can face life itself. My life isn't going to well. I have nobody but you! You're the only who cares! Some days I want to kill myself. I mean everybody says we will go to hell for being ourselves or as they say "being gay". I don't know what to do with myself." She spoke.

"I desperately need to get away from things that make me this way. I love you Kodie but I just need to get away. My mom was right, I'm not worth anything. I hate myself for being gay! I really miss how she use to make me feel special. I don't regret kissing you that first day but, I just wish it didn't happened. I'm lost! I'm losing faith." She cried.

I looked at her eyes, she's hurt. "My life is coming to an end. I'm trying to keep my head up but it's just hard. I feel worthless everyday. I guess it was a phase...when I started being gay. I just don't know. My mom never believed in being bisexual at first..but then I began liking girls way more. I decided to hide my feelings for girls. I went with this boy, it wasn't the same I wasn't happy. I would show him off to make me feel like I'm normal. She treated me like I was doing something right for a change. I don't want you to get hurt...maybe I should leave! I really miss her being there for me when I need her. I miss how she kiss me and hug me when I was sad." She cried while shaking uncontrollably.

To be continued..
This is my life except I never got a girlfriend...my mom never tried to kill me. But I don't think she loves me the same! I hate my life.😭💔

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