☆Chapter 20☆

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As I was scrolling on Instagram I saw Kodie's picture. I liked it because it was very cute!

I read the comments cause I'm kind of nosey. I saw everyone but heart eyes but, this one girl took it to far.

She wrote: "Kodie is mine😍She spent time with me the other day😌"

I swear if she cheating it's going to be over and this time I'm not playing. I looked at her while she was sleeping.

I tapped her and asked her for her phone.

"Baby, where's your phone?" I ask.

She handed to me while dosing back off. My picture was on her lock screen. I was so cute!

Anyways I started thinking, if I trust her why am I going through her phone. So I just put her phone on the bed.

I decided to direct message the girl.

Me: Why you commenting stuff under my baby page like that?

Girl: I mean its true. So why would I lie about it?

Me: So yall doing something I don't know about?

Girl: I mean I thought she told youu!

Me: What's your name?

Girl: Kate

Me: Well, Kate do you know where we live?

Girl: No!

I mean at least Kodie ain't stupid to bring her in our house!

Me: Here's our address come her before 12. Mills Road 395

Girl: Okay.

I looked at Kodie and got ready for whatever. My first thought was leave her. I'm currently not in the mood for that.

So I went downstairs and hide all sharp objects, plus weapons. I went to clean the kitchen.

I felt weird that I didn't do anything crazy yet. My phone vibrated. The girl said she was outside.

I let her in the house. She's very beautiful, she was just so beautiful. She had body goals, perfect hair. She was perfect!

"Oh my goodness! You're very beautiful." I told her.

I felt insecure about myself. I really didn't want to be in this situation. I gave her the remote to chill on the couch. I went back up stairs and started packing everything.

I left everything Kodie bought me except the ring she bought me for my birthday last year. I let her have everything. I packed Alaiya things too. I put the bags in the car, I went back in the house. I grabbed a sticky notes and a pen.

I wrote:

I hope you enjoy this new life you're going to have! She beautiful by the way. Never did I think you would do this! This ain't fair but I mean life ain't fair so what's the point? Bye!

I put the sticky note on her face. I went downstairs.

"She will wake up in a few. Tell her I'm sorry for not being good enough please. You're very beautiful!" I told her.

I left and headed to her mom's house. I picked Alaiya up and told her thank you for everything. I went to the bank to get some hundreds cause we are moving far from Kodie.

I quickly decided to move to Orlando Florida. My most favorite state I use to go for vacation when I was 14.

Well, the bad thing is my birthday was next week. But, I'm not worried about it. I guess not all stories end in a happy ending.

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