☆Chapter 26☆

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Funeral Day


Today is the funeral day and I'm not so happy. I don't want to let her go. I just have to remember what she told me in the dream. We arrived to the church already. Everything was set up.

"Serenity thank you for coming." Her mom said. I smiled and nodded.

I saw Milana come up to me with her suit on. She was looking nice! "You look nice." I told her.

She smiled. "Thank you! You do to." I smiled at the compliment. "Thank you!" I said.

I wore some black pants, white top, with some heels. I looked up and thought of her smile. I know I will be the 4th person to go and sing.

"Well now we would like the close family and friends to come first. The casket is open so you can see her." The women said.

I looked at Milana for reassurance about going in here. She nodded her head and grabbed my hand. We walked inside and I seen Kodie. She didn't look like her self. I want to touch her. I touched her hand. People looked at me weird.

I went to go sit down in the family section. One man looked at me like I did something wrong.

"Its all your fault! She's gone because of you! You're a disgrace to everybody! Do us all a favor and leave!" He yelled.

I felt so guilty but a voice came in my head. "Baby, don't feel like that! Ignore the negativity!"

I knew it was Kodie so I just put it to the side. I was still getting nasty looks. I didn't say anything about it. Milana rubbing my back to calm me down.

"You okay?" She ask. I nodded and smiled.

I felt happiness take over my heart. I don't know what that was but it feels good. Everybody took their seats and the preacher came. We prayed then started preaching.

Then they had her mom and I'm guessing her dad to speak. It took about 8 minutes. Then they had another preacher up there. He prayed for the family and friends.

"Now Serenity Williams will come up and sing for us." The women said.

I looked at Milana she nodded her head. "You got this." She reassured. I nodded.

I went up to the podium. I signaled the lady to cut on the music and I started to sing. "I will sing Pilgrim by Auburn. Her favorite song!" I said. I heard the beat come in.

"Uh huh....yeah" I sung.

I know sometimes you wonder
Why you're so different
Can't seem to fit in
I know sometimes you wonder
Why you're so different
Can't seem to fit in
And anytime you tried
It just didn't feel right
You sit in school
And you just see everyone else have a ball
But you just sit there by yourself
And you ball...
Asking, why

You say "I'm so stressed!"
And "I'm so depressed!"
GOD if you're real tell me that you hear this
I feel like I'm loosing my mind!
I'm running out of time in this life
Maybe this is all my life is for and He said..
"I say NO
For thats not what I put you
On this earth for
You've been sent there to change, and change, lives"
Just remember that you're my child

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