☆Chapter 23☆

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So I'm at the hotel with Milana and Alaiya. Alaiya is actually chilling. I been relaxing and clearing my mind more.

"Umm.. Milana do you think the way I fought the girl was unnecessary?" I asked her.

"Not at all. You fought for your daughter right?" She questioned.

"It wasn't about my daughter. It's because of what she sent me." I showed her the text.

She read it and looked over it. She looked at me like she was about to fight.

"I don't like the bitch and I dont know her!" She rant.

"I mean, I think I should talk to Kodie to see where her head at though." I spoke honestly.

"I'm mad at her but still need to try and fix it." I added.

"That's the grown up thing to do boo. Plus, that means you still care at the end of the day about her." She smiles.

I thought about it while taking in what she said.

"You think so? I really don't want to be putting my heart into something and it's not going to work." I explained.

"I know so boo. Shit, put it this way. If you love someone and it's meant to be then it will work. If it's not who God want you to be with then you have to let them go." She finished.

I nodded my head for understanding what she meant I got to make this right. I can't hold on a grudge all my life. Life is to short!

"I'm about to call her. So, you can stay if you want." I offered.

"I will give you space so you can talk." She suggested.

"No. Please stay cause I know I'm going to cry about this." I begged.

"Alright but I'll be in the other room with your daughter." She left the room.

I called Kodie and she didn't answer. I guess I'll call again. It rung and rung...no answer. I called one last time, this time she answered.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"What you want? I had to step away from the house!" She snapped.

"I wanted to talk to you and stop holding grudeges. If you're not okay with that then just let me speak." I explained.

"No I don't have grudges! I just don't fuck with you no more...well not heavy."

I heard the hate in her voice. She dont care!

"Well..I want to say I apologize for acting out. It just hurts me to see you with this fucking girl. But you told me we would be together peacefully while getting married. Now it's like it's in the trash." I see Milana coming back in the room.

"I don't really understand you! You left without letting me explain myself. This fucking girl was in my house when I woke up!" She yells.

"Why would I let you explain? She told me everything."

She sighs for a minute then she started on speak.

"Man..this shit is stupid as fuck! If you loved me you would've asked me if she was telling the truth. Now it looks like I will have to be with somebody else for now on. I don't want that." She cries.

"Well try to fix it then cause I swear a week ago it hurt my feelings. I had to come all the way to her fucking trap to get my daughter. You know not to play about her. That was fucking childish! Do you think I want to fight in front of her? Shit pissed me off! I never wanted to hit you but you hit me..I know I said some shit but damn!" I snapped.

She stayed silent.

"Hello?" I called out.

"I'm here.." She spoke.

I can't believe our relationship came like this.

"You know Serenity..I dont want to start over with somebody else. I just can't! I really miss you deep down and I know it. This girl ain't nothing compared to you and I know deep down that I hurt you. I apologize for everything I did wrong to you! Please come back to me. I put my pride to the side. I don't want her babe! You the only one who been with me since high school. I don't want to throw that away babe. I love you to much to let somebody else hold you down. I'm not happy without! I will wait until you come back to me." She cries.

"Kodie I don't know if I can trust you. I don't want to get back together and dont trust you." I explained.

I hear her crying while the call disconnected. I never want to hurt her but I think this is for the best. I dont know what to do.

Milana came and sat on the bed. I rest my head on her shoulder and cried. I felt heartbroken.

"It will be okay." She comfort me.

I cried until Milana got up and left the room. I heard Alaiya voice. They both came in here.

"Mommy why you crying?" Alaiya ask me.

I dried my eyes.

"Baby I'm not crying. I just need a hug and kisses." I smiled.

Alaiya gave me a hug and kisses.

"Thank you little lady bug!" I smiled.

"Mommy I think you..you should kissy me friend." She pointed at Milana.

I chuckled at her.

"What if I dont?" I ask her.

"I will cry." She did the sad puppy face.

I felt bad so I kissed Milana on the cheek.

"All better lady bug?" I smiled.

She nodded her head and gave Milana a hug.

"Thank choo. For making mommy happy." She smiled.

I smiled at them for being nice to each other. It was sweet to see them bond.

"You're welcome little lady." Milana hugged her back.

I thought about being truly happy. Not that fake happy but that happy that nothing can ruin your mood. Life is hard.

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