☆Chapter 16☆

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I been up since 8am. I didn't sleep well last night. My eyes are puffy and red from crying. I was crying from what Leah texted me. She sent me this:

Leah: She told me that she loves you, but she loves me to! I have to tell you what I was going to tell you before. She was very interested in you. She loves that you cared for her. She miss you guys relationship. She wish you and her can get married, to grow as a family. That's the good news! The bad news is that I promise her I will be in a relationship with her. Good news for me but not for you. Find someone else.

When I read that it made me angry. How I'm suppose to find someone else. Serenity is a stupid ass bitch to me. She's letting Leah take over her life. I don't know Serenity anymore. She's a different person to me now.

I decided I'm going to call Serenity. I hate that I remember her number by heart. The phone was ringing. She answered.

"Hello?" She asked. I noticed that I started crying. If I speak she will know. "I want to talk Serenity." I said while shaking.

She breathe in loudly. "About what?" She asked. "About us! I don't understand you anymore. You said you loved me for me, and that you would be here forever." I cried.

"I went all out for you. You were my everything, including Alaiya. I hated that I had to make her go to the hospital with you. I'm sorry for not being good enough!" I cried then I hung up.

Probably won't talk to her again. I started crying more than usual. I called my mom and told her we are on our way. I took me a shower, put on my outfit, and chains. I then got Cameron ready.

I heard a knock at the door. I grabbed Cameron and took him down stairs to play with his little baby toys. I opened the door it was Serenity. Shouldn't she be in the hospital.

I hugged her slightly. "I don't want to lose you. I want to see you with me not someone else." She said quickly. She rubbed my face.

I kissed her lips, then I realized she kissed Lay. I wiped my mouth as quickly as possible. She looked confused.

"Remember when you kissed that dumb as bitch!" I said in a bad way. "You know you can have her! I still love you but I can't do it." I told her.

Serenity looked hurt, but I didn't care. I'm hurt from everything that happened. My heart was a failure to love her good enough. So she found somebody else.

I went to get Cameron baby bag from the living room. I grabbed Cameron and my car keys. I locked the door to the apartment.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you! I'm sorry for not appreciating you! My motherfucking fiance is gone and I can't do nothing about it!" She yelled.

Serenity looked at me causing me to lose my anger. She messed around with my hair. "I love you Kodie Shane!" She yells.

I can't be with her, not right now anyway! I have to see where this goes. "Serenity I don't know if I can forgive you but, I want to see if I could be with you. I want you to come to my mom house and see where it goes from there." I explained.

She nodded with a little smile. She walked to her car. I went to my car and put Cameron in his car seat. I put the baby bag in the front seat and started my car. I left the apartment parking lot. Serenity followed me.

________15 minutes_______

I got out the car and got Cameron, with his baby bag. I saw Serenity walking up to me. I walked to the door. I knocked on it like 3 times.

My mom opened the door and greeted us. I was so happy to see her. I gave her the biggest hug ever. Serenity did the same.

"Mom this is Serenity! She was the one I met on the first day of school." I explained. "Oh my gosh! I heard so much about you." My mom says happily.

I gave my mom Cameron. I sat the baby bag down on the couch. I saw my mom's boyfriend that raped me. He smirked once he saw me.

I felt so numb to the fact I fell down and cried out. My mom ran in the room. "What's wrong baby?" She asked concerned.

I saw Serenity looking at me. She told me to come here. I decided to hide my personal experience. I played it off.

"Sorry my stomach hurts so bad!" I said nervously. My mom helped me off the floor. I went to the bathroom with Serenity.

"What wrong Kodie?" She asks. "The man that raped me is in there. He smirked at me." I whispered while crying. I grabbed her close to me.

"We should tell your mom. I'll tell her for you if you want." She suggested. I shook my head. "I'll tell her later." I told her.

We headed out the bathroom. I went to the kitchen. "Mom you cooked a lot of food!" I said. I got a plate for Serenity. She smiled. "Can I talk to you outside right quick?" She asked.

I went outside to the car. "What's up?" I asked her. "I realized that you need someone better than me. I am not good enough for you. You should be with someone better than me." Serenity said. She gave me the wedding ring back.

I looked at her eyes. Serenity looked down at the ground. I pulled her chin up then I kissed her lips. "You're the one for me." I hugged her. I'm hurt that she gave the ring back. She cried.

"My feelings towards you will always be here in my heart. Serenity I love you! Don't take this is to heart but I thought you was a bitch for letting Leah take over. I'll be honest I want to take it back." I explained.

She nodded just taking it in. I'm still staring at Serenity's eyes. She looked up at me. "I apologiz for everything." I told her. She kissed me.

My hands grip Serenity's. I put the ring back on her finger. "Never take it off!" She nodded. "I won't baby!" She smiled. We kissed before heading back inside.

I fix me and Serenity's plate. I fixed Cameron something to eat. He ate some baby cereal. Everybody ate at the table. We said prayer for the food.

"So Kodie who got you pregnant to have Cameron?" My mom asked. I looked at Serenity, she nodded her head. "I got raped mom." I said softly.

My mom eyes got wide. "By who and why didn't you tell me?" She sound concerned. I saw the hurt in her eyes.

"I got raped by your boyfriend a year ago. It was in my room when you was gone on a business trip. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how..I didn't want you or me to get hurt." I told her.

She looked at her boyfriend. "Why would you do that TJ? My little baby didn't get to wait on her own time! Get out my house and never come back!" She yelled. I looked at him.

"Can you at least tell me your sorry?" I asked him. "I'm so sorry I raped you. Can I hold my son?" He asked.

I got Cameron out the baby seat. I handed him to his dad. "What's his name?" He asked. "Cameron Shane" I told him.

He smiled. "Cameron don't ever make a mistake that your father did. Be better than me. Treat women as the queens they are. I love you!" He cried.

He handed Cameron back to me. I gave Cameron to my mom. "Let's talk outside." I told him. We walked outside.

"I'm sorry for raping you! I was desperate. I actually did that to you because, I was just looking for a easy person to use." He said honestly.

I looked at my shoes. "Well i forgive you! I mean I won't forget what you did but, I forgive you." I told him.

I gave him a hug. "Well I better go back inside now." I said. He got in his car and left.

I went back in, to the table. "How you feel baby?" Serenity asked. "I feel good actually." I hugged her.

My mom looked at me. "Mom I'm fine! He apologize and he meant it." I told her. She was sniffing while she cried.

"I don't want you guys feeling sorry for me. I'm glad I have Cameron in my life." I explained.

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