☆Chapter 27☆/Final Chapter

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"Would you like to be my girlfriend? I know you just got out of an relationship but I really love you. My heart belongs to you." I told her honestly.

She smiled at me with tears in her eyes.

"I would love to." She look deeply in my eyes.


I see Kodie in her eyes. I know she's here with me even when I'm not feeling well.

"I would love to." I smiled.

I hugged her while feeling secured.

"I love you!" Milana says.

"I love you to!" I kissed her.

Kodie was here, I can feel it!



Well me and Milana been together for 8 months now. She's doing good with her job. She's in the military. So sometimes she isn't here. But when ever i feel lonely I visit Kodie! I miss her grave every time I leave. I been happy in life. I actually got a job as an doctor to help people more. I'm a nurse. I see Kodie in people most of the time. Oh, and Alaiya she's 16 now. She still remember Kodie! We talk about her every night before we go to sleep. She been talking to Kodie in her prayers to. She don't want to forget her. Milana helps us get through it though. On Kodie's birthday we always visit her grave. Release balloons in the sky. Then we head to the beach and clear our minds and connect with her. We don't cry most of the time but when we do it's bad. It feels like yesterday when she ask me out to. This is something i have to say to Kodie.


I love you with everything in me. I will see you soon in heaven. Save me a spot please! Alaiya she misses you as well. She still talks about you when we are having dinner. I told you we was together forever no matter where we end up! Cam Cam is 14! Can you believe it? Well he found your phone and he watch your video. He cried at first but now he's smiling for you. He has a girlfriend name Riya! She helps him through everything. I still want us to be there with you. But until then I love you!

Serenity and Milana had got married. Serenity adopted Cam. She's happy to call him her son. Alaiya and Cam been close they're like best friends. Cam and his girlfriend still date! Alaiya still talks to Kodie every night. Even Serenity! Cam watches the video every time he feels as if he's about to do something wrong. He prays every time and talks to his mom. Milana on the other hand has been there for all them. She even got Kodie picture in a big frame and but in the family room. You would see it before you leave or enter the house. They always but sticky notes near the picture. They plan on filling the whole room up with them. They write poems, nice things Kodie did, what they reminisce about her, even nice things to start off your morning. Serenity see Kodie appear every now and then. She smiles and blow kisses at her. Kodie blows one back and disappears. Serenity still feel as if she gave Kodie another chance this wouldn't have happened. She still continues to live life. They all send her kisses every morning and night. They lived happily ever after! Until they meet again love will always be there!



I may do a sequel I may not. Let me know! Leave a vote please. I will miss updating this book:(

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