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Jai'Ana's POV

We are nonw sitting in the limo and I'm sitting next to Roc. He is SOOOO fine!!! I just hope this isn't my one and oly time getting to see him! He keeps on smiling at me and it makes me feel so happy and special!!!:)

Jay'Leeyah's POV

I'm sitting next to Prod, and he keeps on looking at me and then I look at him, and then we both just start laughing. He is really cute!!! I wish I could stare at him forever!!!

Kay'Leeyah's POV

I'm sitting next to Ray, and he won't stop smiling at me! I mean, I'm not complaining, I'm just curious. No one has ever stared at me the way he is and it makes me feel so special!

Lai'Ana's POV

I'm sitting next to Prince, and he is really close to me, and I LOVE it!!! He keeps on looking at me and smiling every couple of seconds, and I love it SO, so much!!!!!

 I was looking over at the other girls, and I noticed them each making little connections with the guy that they were sitting next to, too.

Roc Royal's POV

I'm sitting next to Jai'Ana right now. We all introduced ourselves when we were getting into the limo, and she was the one that stuck out to me. She's really cute! Her twin looks exactly like her, but she's just..... different.... in a good way though.

Prodigy's POV

I'm sitting next to Jay'Leeyah and she is SO pretty!!! I love her voice, her smile, her.... everything. I know we just met, but I'm already starting to develop feelings for her...

Ray Ray's POV

I'm sitting next to Kay'Leeyah, and she is so cute! She has a great personality and I don't know what it is about her, but it just makes her special. I hope we'll meet up again some time soon.

Princeton's POV

I'm sitting by Lai'Ana and she is seriously beautiful! Just when I first layed eyes on her, I instantly gained feelings. Most pretty girls are all stuck up. But sh'e not. And her sisters aren't either. Their parents raised them well!!!

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