Man Up

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Prince's POV

After the whole blow-out with Roc and some little boy at the red stop light, we were almos at their house.

Once we got there, we dropped them off.

"Don't forget to text me!!!" I yelled to Lay.

"Don't worry! I won't!" She shouted back.

Roc jumped up to the front seat once they both got out of the car.

"Hey! Watch it man! You got your shoe dirt in my fro!!!" I yelled moving my afro back into place.

"Oh calm down! A little dirt won't hurt! That's why thay make shampoo!" He said laughing at me.

We started driving back to my house so us guys could just hang out.

Ray's POV

Right now, me and Prod are sitting at Prince's house because we always go to eachother's houses whenever we feel like it or we need food.

"I need some taocs!" I said rubbing my belly.

"He probably doesn't have any. And is that all you ever eat?!" Prod asked me.

"Nooo....... Sometimes I eat nachos." I said smiling. He just groaned.

"Whatever man. Sooooo........ What do you think about Jay'Leeyah?" He asked me out of nowhere.

"I don't know. I guess she's pretty cool. I don't really know her that well, but she seems like she could be like a little sister to me." I said.

"Ohh. Ok." He said looking away. "Do you think I'd ever have a chance with her?" He asked.

"Ohhhhhh.................. I see what this is all about!!!" I said smirking.

"What?!" He asked confused.

"You like her don't you?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said blushing.

"Alright. You just gotta man up and tell her how you feel." I explained.

"But what if she doesn't like me back?!" He whined.

"Man, what did I just say?!" I shouted.

"Tell her how I feel???" He asked.

"No. Beofre that." I said.

"Man up?" He asked.

"Yes!!! And grown men don't whine!!! Well, unless their fruity! But you get the point!!!" I said laughing.

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