I'm Dead!!!

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(A/N: And by the way, the kids already left too. I just forgot to put it in the other chapter.)

Lai'Ana's POV

"Kay!!! I can't believe you just did that!!!" I said in shock.

"Well believe it! Nobody messes with my family!!!" She said laughing and giving me a big sisterly hug.

"Wait..... Why did you have a gun if you didn't even know what was going to happen?" J-J asked.

"I always keep one with me! 'Cause with niggas these days, you never know what might happen!" Kay said laughing.

"Well I know not to mess with you or your sisters!!!" Prod said.

"Ya got that right!" She said.


Kay'Leeyah's POV

After that bg hoe killin' party, the girls went back gome, and Prod and Roc stayed at Prince's house and me and Ray went to his house.

Once we got there, his mom was sitting in the living room.

"Hi! You must be Kay'Leeyah!" She said.

"Hi! Yes, I am." I said.

"Kay, this is my mom, mom, Kay." Ray said pointing to the both of us.

"We've already met, sweetie." His mom said laughing. "Well why don't you guys just hang out. I have to go run some errands, so I'll be back in a couple of hours." She said winking at Ray. What was that supposed to mean???

We went up to Ray's room and just started watching T.V., when he grabbed me and started kissing me all over.


Next thing I know, me and him are in the bed with nothing on, and it happened. I gave myself to him. It felt really good, but I don't know what's going to happen after this! I don't even know if he used a condom!!! If I'm pregnant, me AND my child will be dead!!!

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