Sister Talk

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Lai'Ana's POV

"Hey J-J! Whacha need?" I asked as she walked in.

"Oh, nothing." She said as she sat down on my bed.

"Ummm.... Okay thenn???" I asked in a question-statement kind of way.

"Okay, let me just get to the point. Who was that that just left?" She asked.

"Oh that was Princeton." I said being honest and just telling her the truth. I would never lie to my sister. And I would never want to lose her either!!!

"Oh. What did he want?" She asked curious.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. So I'll jus tell you the whole story." I said and explained to her what all happened and that we're going out now.

"Oh my gosh!!!! My little sister is dating Princeton! Way to go girl!!!" She said giving me a high-five.

"Thanks." I said laughing and high-fiving her back.

"So you know how I've had like a life-long crush on Roc?" She asked.

"Yeaaahhhh........ Well, life-long meaning ever since you saw him." I said laughing.

"Exactly." She said.


"Oh yeah! Well, when I talked to him, he's a relly great guy! And I SO want to date him!!! Especially since they have a 3-year break, that'll make it even better that I get to see him!!!" She said all excited.

"Well just keep talking to him more and give him little hints that you want him to ask you out." I told her. "And I'll help too, of course!" I said smiling.

"Of course you will!" She said laughing. "Thanks sis!" She said giving me a big sisterly hug.

"Any time! You know I'd do anything for you!" I said.

"And you know I feel the same exact way!" She said and walked out. "Night!" She said.

"Nighty-Night!" I said and layed back down in my bed. I turned the light out and went to sleep. And it was the most wonderful sleep that I've had in a long time, even though ALOT was on my mind!!!

AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sisterly love!!! And by the way, this chapter is dedicated to my bff, and she plays Jai'Ana in the story, even though we're not really twins, but most of the time, we act like sisters. But comment if you have a sister or someone like a sister to you!!! Byeee!:) (Oh and I'll update later on tofay, probably. It's 12:17 A.M. and I'm SO, so tired!!! Lol!

Sisters Before Misters(A Mindless Behavior Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora