The Start of Something New

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Lai'Ana'a POV

Right now, i am having the BEST time ever! And we're not even there yet!!! I really think that I'm going to have a great time... especially with Princeton.

Once we got there, it wasn't just a movie theater, there was this huge amusment park attached to it!

"Ooooh! Do you guys wanna go there instead and then go see a movie afterwards?!" Princeton asked all excited.

"Yes!!!" Me and J-J both screamed.

"Well then, let's go!" Roc said. We all walked over there and we got wristbands to ride everything.

First, we all went on this ride together and i was sitting next to Prince holding onto him the entire time and he had his arm around me.

After that, we went our seperate ways.

Prince's POV

When me and Lay were walking, I saw this couples ride and I really wanted to get on it.

"Hey Lay, look over there!" I said trying to draw the attention over to the ride.

"Awww! That's so sweet! Do you want to ride it?" She asked.

"Yeah sure!" I said happy that I didn't have to ask her because on the down low, I was kinda scared.

We stood in line and thankfully, it wasn't that long.

Once we got on the ride, we got in the blue thing. It was shaped like a big heart and had a little bench for two.

I kept on scooching closer and closer to her, and just smiling. We had a great time, even though we didn't talk that much.

Lai'Ana's POV

I'm haveing a GREAT time with Prince so far! I loved being able to sit so close to him and I just loved his smile. I haven't felt this happy in a really long time!!!

After the ride was over, we went to this cinnabon cart right across the road or aisle way or whatever it's called and got cinnamon rolls and they were SOOO good!!!!! (A/N: I LOVE cinnamon rolls! If they were people, I would want to marry them all!!! Lol! Jk. But yeah, you get the point.)

We both spent the rest of the time, just walking around and talking about everything random that there is to talk about.

Jai'Ana's POV

I am having the BEST time with Roc!!! It's really fun on all of the rides because he puts his arm around me and we're all cuddled up and stuff like that. And he's so sweet!!!:) I just love it!

He won me this big brown bear with a bright red heart in the middle that says "I wuv u beary much". He won it by shooting baskets, and he was pretty good! I was hoping he'd take off his shirt, but sadly, he didn't. I need to get him sweating, so then maybe he will! I'm so awesome!;)

We were just walking around, talking, and having a good time, when out of nowhere, he stopped me and just started kissing me, which turned into a make-out session in the middle of an amusment park. People were staring, which made it even more awkward than what it really had to be.

"What was that for?" I asked all confused.

"I want you to be mine." He said. I just started smiling like a maniac that couldn't even speak, so I just nodded my head and gave him a big hug. BEST........... DAY................................ EVEEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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