Bad News!!!

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Jai'Ana's POV

1 Week Later................. 

Right now, me and Lay are sitting at Prince's house and Roc is here too. We just wanted to hang out. Jay and Kay are over at Ray's house, so it all works out!:)

We were sitting there watching T.V., when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Prince said and went and answered the door.

Prince's POV

I went to go open the door, and when I opened it, it was Mariah and Sariah. Oh no!!! Just to catch you up, when me and Roc were 16, we dated these twins, and we kinda sorta may have had sex with them and they got pregnant with our babies. We never exactly "broke up" with them, because they moved away, and we thought that we would never see them again.

We've dated a couple other girls since dating them, but right now, we're dating Lay and J-J. What's up with us dating twins?! Anyways, now they're here with their babies.... And I have NO idea what we're going to tell Lay and J-J!!!

"Ohhhhh....... You guys are.... here." I said trying to be excited, but I really wasn't.... WHAT-so-ever!!! This is gunna end bad... "Can you girls just hold on one second?" I asked them.

"Sure!" They both said all smiley-like.

I speed-walked/ran back over to the living room and grabbed Roc by his arm and pulled him into the kitchen. Thank goodness there's a wall between the kitchen and door and living room!!!

"Dude! I was just about to start kissing J-J!!! This better be important!!!" Roc semi-yelled angrily.

"Mariah and Sariah are here!!!" I whisper-shouted.

"Ooooh! That's bad." He said.

"Uhhh... YEAH! How are we going to tell Lay and J-J?!" I asked him getting even more mad than him.

"I don't know. Let's just tell them the truth before things get even worse." He suggested.

"Okay. But if this ends badly, I'm blaming you!!!" I said as me and him walked back over to the door.

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