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Lai'Ana's POV

We continued making out for a REALLY long time. ANd then I heard a squeak come from my door. I quickly backed away from Prince and looked over there to mee my mom peaking her head through the crack in my door.

"MOM?!?!?!" I shouted.

"Who is this?!" She asked/shouted angrily.

"What were you doing spying on me?!" I shouted back.

"I'll answer your question when you answer mine! Who is this?!" She asked once again.

"This is Princeton. The guy I told you about. No what were you doing spying on me?!" I yelled.

"Well I was coming upstairs to give you your clothes that I just got finished washing when I heard a voice besides yours coming from your room. So, I sort of, may have been, watching you guys and listening to your conversation. But I think the better question is, why is he here and how did he get in here?!" She asked.

"He's here because he needed to ask me something, and he climbed up my tree and came through my window because I didn't want for you to know that he was here! But so much for that plan!!!" I said rolling my eyes at the end.

"Why didn't you want me to know that he was here?" She asked.

"Well... Because... I just wanted to be alone with him.... That's all." I said.

"Well if you want to be alone with him, then fine! I guess I'll leave since I'm obviously never wanted in your life anyways!!!" She shouted and threw the basket of clothes at me and then stormed out of my bedroom.

"Mom! Wait! I didn't mean it like that!!!" I said running after her. Then I turned back to Prince. "You can come too. I'll tell her about us. I've already hidden too many things from her in life, and I don't want to hurt her anymore..... MOM!!!" I shouted running after her down the stairs.

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