Worst... Surprise... EVER!!!

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Prince's POV

We walked back over to the door and opened it back up and they were still standing there.

"Listen, there's something we need to get straight, so you guys can just come on in and we'll get everything settled." I explained to them.

"Okay." They both said and came inside. When they turned the corner, Lay and J-J just looked up and stared looking like they wanted an explination.

"J-J, Lay..... This is Mariah and Sariah.... Also..... They are the mothers of both of our children." Roc said. "Surprise!!!" We both said kind of quietly and shuly.

"Mh! This is the worst surprise I've ever gotten!" Lay mumbled.

"Annnnd when did this happen?" J-J asked getting mad.

"Like a year and a half ago." Roc responded.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lay asked me.

"We didn't want it to mess up anything." I told her.

"Well it's a little too late for that!" Lay said getting mad. "Are you guys dating them?!" She asked me and Roc.

"Well, the thing is... We never exactly broke up with them before they moved." I told her.

Lai'Ana's POV

I am SO mad right now!!! Why didn't they tell us?! UGH!!!!! I need to punch something! And the 'thing' that I'm closest to is one of these twin's faces.

"Which means we're still their girlfriends." One of the twins said.

"And did I ask you anything?!" I asked her.

"No, but I started speaking!" She snapped.

"Well make your mouth stop moving, before I make your heart stop beating!" I said.

"Don't talk to Sariah that way!" Mariah shouted.

"I can talk to whoever I want to WHENever I want to! It's just the person's attitude and what they say or do that determines what I'M 'bouta say or do!" I said.

"Umm... Who do you think you're talking to?!" Mariah shouted.

"I THINK I'm talking to the hoe along with her look-alike side-kick who think they can just come up in here and try to take me and my sister's boyfriends away from them! THAT'S who I think I'm talking to!!!" I shouted.

"Can you girls please just calm down?!" Roc asked.

"NO!!!" All of us girls shouted.

"Listen you hoe look-alikes, I don't know where you came from, but wherever it is, you needa get to steppin' back there, cuz obviously, WE'RE dating them now! Now I don't care what happened in the past, but it's over now! And so is this conversation! So bye bye! Let's go Lay." J-J said and we both walked out, got in J-J's car and drove home. Ugh! Some surprise!!!

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