Fixing The Broken Pieces

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Lai'Ana's POV

As I ran out of my room with Prince right behind me, Kay came out of her room.

"What's going on?! I was on the phone with Ray and you guys's screaming interrupted my conversation! This better be important!!!" She yelled.

"It is. But just get eveyrone and tell them to stand on the stairs and listen. Me and mom kind of got in an argument, and I need to fix it." I told her.

"Kk." She said and we walked past eachother.

I ran down the stairs and told Pricne to stand right there while I went and talked to her.

Kay'Leeyah's POV

I ran into Jay's room right after Lay explained that stuff to me.

"Jay! Come one! There's family drama in the living room between Lay and mom! Go stand on the stairs and listen!" I yelled.

"Kk!!!" Jay screamed as I ran into J-J's room.

"J-J!!! Family drama in the living room! Go quick!" I shouted to her.

"Oooh! Drama?! I'm there! She said jumping off of her bed, and I just had to laugh to myself. She is ALWAYS ready for some drama to go down!!!

We all met up in the hallway and snuck down the stairs together. I went doen first, then Jay was right behind me, and J-J was right behind her and we were all holding on to the back eachother's shirts.

I was close to the bottom of the stairs and I bumped into someone. I was SO scared, but I couldn't scream.

"Who are you?!" I asked patting on the person's afro. He turned around and it was Prince.

"It's me!" He said smiling.

"Oh, okay. You scared me there for a second. But what are you doing here?!" I asked Prince.

"Let's just say I'm the reason your mom came up to her room in the first place." He explained.

"I didn't ask for your life story! Why are you here?!" I snapped.

"Dang! A little grumpy?! And I'm here because I needed to ask Lay something, and I wanted to do it in person." He said.

"Haha, sort of. I'm just tired. And what did you ask her?" I asked.

"To be my girlfriend." He said.

"Awww! My little sister has a boyfriend!" I said teasing.

"Whatever." He said and smirked.

"Why'd we stop?!" Jay whisper-shouted.

"Prince is down here. Just be quiet and we'll be able to hear." I snapped.

"Ugh! Fine!!!" She moaned. 

Lai'Ana's POV

In the Living Room 

"Mom, PLEASE!!! I didn't mean it like that!" I tried to explain to her. We are both sitting on the couch and I'm trying to tell her I didn't mean it like that, but she won't listen!!! Ugh!!!

"Honey, obviously, you don't want to tell me anything anymore! We used to be so close when you were a little girl!" She said.

"But mom! I'm not a little girl anymore!" I said.

"Yeah... That's an excuse for not talking to your own mother anymore!" She said.

"Mom, I feel terrible about saying that and from keeping things from you... But I just get so scared. And it's hard trying to tell parents things, because you never know how they're going to react." I said.

"Listen, I want you to be able to tell me things..." She said. I cut her off.

"And I want to be able to tell you things! But it's just so hard to get throught to you sometimes, because..." I started.

"Well if it's so hard to talk to you own MOTHER, than why do you even bother staying here?!" She shouted.

"I can't believe you just said that to me!" I shouted and jumped up off of the couch and started heading for the stairs.

Kay'Leeyah's POV

"Oh shoot! She's coming! Everybody upstairs!!!" I shouted and we all ran upstairs.

Princeton's POV

All of the girls ran into their own rooms, so I just decided to run into Lay's room.

When she walked in, she grabbed her sparkly silver suitcase with a zebra print letter "L" on it and just started throwing things into it.

"What are you doing?!" I said worried.

"I'm obviously not wanted here, so I'm leaving." She said. I grabbed her arm from packing any more clothes.

"You CAN'T go!!!" I said looking her in her eyes as tears started to form in them.

"Well I am." She said and threw some more clothes in her suitcase and grabbed her phone charger out of the plug in the wall next to her bed, her car keys off her dresser, and began to walk out of her bedroom.

"Where are you going?!" I shouted to her after she had already left the room. I ran out to the top of the stairs.

"As far away from here as I can get!" I heard her scream as the front door slammed. Dang! She must be really mad.

Where do you think Lai'Ana is going to go?! Why is she do upset when anything barely happened??? What do you think happened in the past between her and her mom. Be sure to comment and vote!!!XD

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