Siblings (The Beginning)

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He moaned as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. His head tossed back as he gazed at the ceiling, white and pale like his hands. He frowned as he pictured an image of a Chinese character that read "peace". He blinked and the image was gone, leaving the pale ceiling above him. It had been a decade since he had seen the symbol over his head every morning; a part of him thought of painting it, but it wouldn't be the same.

He climbed out of bed and felt his rough carpet under the balls of his feet, only to leave onto the cold wooden floor. Passed a clock that read nine, Jian walked to his wardrobe and slipped on a shirt and pair of comfortable jeans. He was thankful his classes were all placed after a time he could wake up to. Getting to the university wasn't a stressful situation, and was close enough so he could visit home every lunch like when attending college and lycée.

He looked over to Aimé who slept soundly underneath his covers. "Aimé. Wake up, it's nine o'clock. You're late again." No reaction. "Oh for the love of. . . Aimée! Wake the fuck up!"

"I'll just stay home," he muttered while adjusting the covers.

With no though, Jian climbed onto his bed, reached up to his brother's, grabbed the blanket and tore it away. "I'm not gonna have you late for the fiftieth this year."

"The year didn't even start yet."

He patted the baby's cheek roughly. "Good job, you know your dates. Now get to school to learn about schedules and how to stick to them."

Aimé swatted the hand away and finally sat himself up. "What time is it?" he asked.

"I told you; nine."



"Why didn't you say that before?"

"I did. Twice. Now get dressed, wake up Marinette and get going. You're wasting time by sitting around."

The boy jumped from the edge of his bed onto the floor and dashed over to the shared wardrobe. "Marinette's not wake either?"

"I just woke up myself," Jian said as he straightened the jacket he kept from China. He smiled as he pulled down on his sides. The measurements were just right.

"Crap crap crap crap crap!"

Jian was too busy buttoning his jacket to notice Aimé fly out of the door. His mother called Marinette and they heard a huge thump from above. He sighed and began to pack his satchel and headed a cross the hall for breakfast..

He didn't flinch when Aimé ran passed him with a half put on sweater, brown bag in hand, and unkept hair. He did turn his eye towards Marinette who was running down her attic stair too fast to see her feet. "Did Aimée leave already?" she asked in a hurry while trying to flip around the stairs, but nearly slipped if her brother didn't catch her.

"Just ran out," Jian said. He grabbed his bowl of cereal that his mother made earlier and sat at the table. Watched with pity, the infamous Marinette-luck spilled everything on the counter with just and orange as she mentioned Chloe. "You're gonna be late for your first day. Tom probably has the macaroons ready so just take one when in class."

"You'll be fine, Marinette. And don't worry about her. I doubt that you can have her for five years in a row."

With a small smile, the girl kissed her mother's cheek and waved goodbye to her brother. He waved back before going straight onto his phone. "What are you looking up?" his mother asked curiously.

"Feng Shui charms. I'm hoping Uncle Shifu could get her one from China."

"She does need all the luck she can get," Sabine said as she looked back to where her daughter left.

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