Chapter 5: Mall. Movies. Restaurant.

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"Ready, Jr?"

"Yep!" He was excited.

Jr, Chris and I are going to the mall and the movies, then a restaurant for Jr. He can get whatever he want, see whatever movie he wants, and go to whatever restaurant he wants. He is spoiled rotten.

We got in Chris' car, but today, I was driving. I had to beg Chris to drive because he's so damn protective over his cars.

I parked in the parking space and got Jr out the car.

Jr walked in between Chris and I, holding both of our hands.

After hours of walking around the mall and buying stuff for Jr, we finally decided to leave.

We went to the movies, and Jr and Chris picked out the movie. It was a cartoon, but I don't remember the name if it.

The movie ended and we left to go to Jr's favorite restaurant, Applebee's.

We ordered and ate. As I was eating my steak, I looked to my left to see two familiar faces.

They both waved and walked over to us, I rolled my eyes.

"Hey!" He exclaimed. I stood up to hug him.

"Hey Reggie!" Reggie wasn't the reason I rolled my eyes, it was the person standing next to him.

She just looked at me, I just sat back down, ignoring her stare. "Reggie, how do you know her?"

"This is my cousin, Miranda."

The decided to join us at our table. The entire time, Miranda was eying Chris.

While Reggie was playing with Jr, I thought it would be the right time to talk to Miranda.

"Miranda, can I talk to you?" I fake smiled at her.

"Sure." We left the table and went outside.


I don't like Reggie, and I don't know why he playin' wit' my child.

While he was playing with him, I interrupted and took Jr to the bathroom.

We went back to the table and Jr continued eating, but this time Reggie didn't bother him.


"Listen, Miranda-"

"No, you listen, bitch. Chr-"

"Hell no! I should beat yo' ass right fuckin' now, but I'm not gonna risk the the life of my child for your stupid irrelevant ass." I got in her face. "Chris is mine. If I catch you ass flirting with him again, I will beat your ass. Pregnant or not." I walked off, and back into the restaurant. When she sat down, I tongue-kissed Chris. I pulled away and looked at her face.

"Ewww." Jr said. I giggled at him and went back to my food.

I stood up to leave and so did Chris.

"Daddy, up." Jr said, extending one arm up to Chris and rubbing his eye with the other.

Chris picked him up and carried him with one arm and wrapped his other arm around my waist.

Before we left I remembered something. "Miranda, remember what I told you, because I won't tell you again." I flashed a smile. "Bye, Reggie." I waved.

Chris put Jr in his carseat and buckled him up. I stopped at a stoplight and felt my phone vibrate.


"Uhh... hey. Yesterday, that was me who called, but I didn't what to say, so I didn't say anything." He spoke.

"Okay..." I looked back to check on Jr, but he was out like a light. The light turned green.

"So, yesterday, I was gonna ask you if I could speak to Chris. I need his help."

"Okay..." I handed the phone to Chris.

"Hello?" He spoke into the phone.

What would Dwayne need Chris' help with?

I pulled into the driveway and grabbed Jr, while Chris remained on my phone. I placed Jr upstairs in his bed.

Since Chris was on my phone, I took his and started to play Temple Run 2

Now I see why Chris is always playing this game. A text came through, distracting me and causing me to lose.

I went to his messages and read the new text.

Miranda: You need to control your girl.

Why the hell is her number in Chris' phone?

I got mad, I pretended to be Chris.

Chris: I don't need to control shit, you need to stay the hell away from me and my family.

I pressed the send button and deleted the messages.

I locked the phone, just as he walked into the room.

I left and went in Jr's room and woke him up. "Jr, c'mon. I'm going to give you a bath." I gave him a bath and put in his pajamas and he went right back to sleep.

I went back to Chris and I's room.

"What did Dwayne need help with?" I asked. It smelled like fresh soap, I guess Chris took a shower while I gave Jr a bath.

"Nothing." Was all he said.

I rolled my eyes and got in the shower.

I dried myself and got in to bed next to Chris. He wrapped his arms around me and we drifted into a deep sleep.


What y'all thought about Miranda and Reggie at Applebee's?





Miranda in the multimedia >>>

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