Chapter 1: Birthday!

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3 Years Later


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jr, happy birthday to you." We all sung to Jr as he prepared to blow out his candles.

"Make a wish." I shouted as Chris and I held up our phones to take a picture of him and post it to Instagram.

He closed his eyes and after a few seconds he opened them and blew the fire on the candles out.

With his hand, he scooped up some cake and shoved it in his mouth. I took a picture.

I walked over to Jr to wipe the cake off his mouth when he grabbed more cake and slammed it into my face.

"I got you, mommy." He bursted into laughter along with everyone else.

My son is 3 years old today. He's growing up so fast and he looks exactly like Chris.


"I have an announcement!" Chris stood up one the island."

"Chris, get off my island!" Mama J shouted to him. He got off the island.

"What your announcement?" I asked.

"This." He got down on one knee and grabbed my left hand. I started to tear up. "You are my everything. Without you and Jr, I am nothing. I wanna wake up every morning to the same woman. I wanna see that same smile everyday. I wanna make you mine forever. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I wanna make you my wife. Will you marry me." He said. Jr ran in with a Tiffany and Co. box and got on one knee next to Chris.

"Will you marry daddy, mommy?"

I was frozen. I my head I was screaming yes, but on the outside they words just wouldn't come out.

"Say yes!" My mama screamed at me. I tried to say something but the words still would come out. I saw that Chris was losing hope, and so was everyone around us.

I nodded my head, because I couldn't say the word. He stood up and tongue kissed me deeply, causing everyone else around us to cheer.

He pulled away and whispered in my ear. "Its about to go down tonight." I bit my lip and kissed him again.


"Mommy, can I open my presents now?" Jr asked.

"Go ahead.'' He ran to the table that was full of presents.

Chris walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "He's growing up fast."

"I know. I feels like yesterday when you almost missed the birth."


We took pictures of Jr and all his presents.


We all had fun and now Jr's birthday is almost over.

"Mommy, I tired." He rubbed his eyes.

"Okay. Do you want to stay at Grandma Joyce's house tonight."

"Yeah!" He cheered.

"Okay, go inside, wash, and put on your pjs. And ask Grandma Joyce to read you a bedtime story."

"Okay. I love you mommy." He ran over to Chris. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too, little man." Chris said and Jr ran into the house.

I walked to the car and Chris smacked my ass. Hard.

"Ow, asshole."

"You know you loved it. Now hurry up, 'cause when we get home... That ass is mine." He said bitting his lip.

I shook my head and got in the car.

My fiancée...


The sequel is here!





Hidden Secrets: (Chris Brown Fanfiction) Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin