Chapter 9: The Test

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5 weeks later


When Briana first had Cierra, I wanted to fuck her so bad, but now that the six weeks are over, I dont want to anymore.

I have a feeling that Cierra isn't mine. That feeling is killing me. The thought of Briana having someone else's baby, makes me feel unattracted to her, even though, I am attracted to her.

She has been all up in my face lately. Since the first six weeks after birth is over now, we can have sex, but I'm just not feeling it. She probably getting suspicious because I never say no to sex.

Briana walked downstairs toward me. I think she mad at me because I don't want to have sex right now.

"Chris, I'm horny."

I don't know what to tell her, "Okay?" Shit, why did I say that.

"Okay? Chris, Jr and Cierra are with my mom, so we have the whole house to ourselves." She started to rub her hand over my chest. Then, she climbed in my lap and started kissing on my neck.

"Briana, not right now."

She stopped kissing on me and looked me in my eyes. "What's wrong with you? You never say no to sex."

"Briana, I don't feel like it right now." I tapped her thigh for her to get off of me and she did. I walked upstairs and grabbed my phone and keys then left to pick up Jr and Cierra.


After Chris turned me down, he went upstairs then came back down and left. As soon as he left I immediately went upstairs and looked through his stuff. I didn't find anything worth looking at, but just as I was about to give up, I found a small unopened box. There was something written on it, "Merry Christmas. From Miranda"

I opened it. There was a small chain with a "M" on it. Underneath it was a note. "You can wear this and think of me whenever wifey's not around ;)"

I grabbed the chain and broke it then ripped note into small pieces as tears rolled down my face. I grabbed my notebook and a pen and started writing on a blank page.

You cheated on me once.

Are you doing it again?

I love you so much, but I'm not sure if you still love me.

I closed my notebook and broke down.


As I drove toward my house, I looked in the mirror at Jr and Cierra. Jr was playing with a toy while Cierra just stared. I looked into her hazel eyes, then it hit me. I turned down the road that led to Christen's house.

"Jr, do you want to go to Auntie Christen's house?"

"Sure," he replied.

I pulled into her driveway and knocked on the door.

"Christen, could you watch Jr while for about 30 minutes?"

"Uh, sure," she said. I got Jr out the car and she moved out of the doorway so he could walk into the house. As I was about to leave, Christen grabbed my arm. "Please don't do something stupid that you'll regret later." I nodded my head and walked off.

I dove until I finally got to my destination. I grabbed Cierra and walked inside. I walked up to the desk where there was a lady, "Hi, how may I help you?"

"Uh, I'd like a paternity test."

"Okay, just sign right here," she pointed, "and the doctor will be with you momentarily."

I signed then sat in a chair. The entire time I was waiting, Cierra was staring at me.

"Christopher Brown," the doctor called. I stood up and followed the doctor.'

My heart was racing. I guess its now or never.


I went back to pick up Jr then went home. I put Cierra in her crib because she was sleeping now. I walked into Briana and I's room. She was sitting on the floor crying with torn pieces of paper around her. I sit down on the floor next to her, wrapped my arms around her as she rested her head on my chest. I didn't even bother to ask her what was wrong.

I picked her up and put her in our bed then got in with her.

She muttered something but I couldn't hear her. "What?"

"Do you still love me?" She spoke louder this time.

I sat up. "Why do you think I don't love you?"

"You've been acting weird lately. You don't even wanna have sex with me. And Miran- nevermind."

I grabbed her chin and kissed her gently. "I love you more than anything. I don't know what I'd without you. You're my life. I just don't feel like having sex right now, maybe tomorrow, okay?"

She nodded then drifted off to sleep. I got in the shower. As the hot water hit my body, I thought. I thought about everything, but mostly I thought about the test. I got out and put on some boxers and a t- shirt. I walked into Jr. room, made sure he brushed his teeth and said his prayers, then tucked him into bed. I walked into Cierra's room because she started crying. I changed her diaper, gave her a bottle, burped her and rocked her back to sleep

I love Cierra so much, but I cant stop feeling like this no matter how hard I try. I'd be so heartbroken if the test comes back and she's not my child.


I looked down at the huge ring on my left hand. I love him, but I don't think that I'm ready for this yet. Maybe I shouldn't have said yes.


I put Jhaliel and Khaliel to bed and went to my room. My phone vibrated. I looked down at the text Dwayne had sent me.

Dwayne: Can you take the boys to daycare tomorrow and meet me somewhere. Please?

I didn't respond. I stopped responding to him after a while. I used to agree to meet with him, but I'd never show up. I was afraid to let him back into my life because I don't want to be hurt again. I still love him, but I don't think I should be with him.


If Kenaysha meets me, I know the plan will work out.

I don't want to wake up everyday with her not with me. I miss her. I need her and my kids in my life.


Was Chris wrong for getting Cierra tested?

Will Kenaysha ever meet with Dwayne?

What does Dwayne have planned for Kenaysha? Do you think it will work?





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