Chapter 12: Partayyy!

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I'm happy to be back in LA. Even though we've only been in Detroit for a week, I miss being in Cali. But, after this party, Jr, Cierra, and I are going right back to Detroit.

I need to see my mother and speak to her about this affair that she was having with Reggie's father. Why would she ever cheat on my father, he was the nicest man in the world.

The last person that I need to see is Chris. Sometimes, I think that my entire relationship with Chris was a huge mistake.

I pulled up into Navoni's driveway. I got Jr out the car and left Cierra in her carseat, them grabbed the carseat. I walked into Navoni's house. I didn't knock, I just walked in.

Jr ran up to Navoni and hugged her leg. She picked him up and planted kisses all over his face.

She put him down and walked over to me and gave me a big hug.

While Jr watched Power Rangers, Cierra slept, and Navoni and I talked.

"I invited Chris..."

I sighed. "Why?"

"Because, y'all do this all the time. You need to stop being overdramatic and he needs to grow up."

"I am not overdramatic. You would act the same way that I am if Kevin got a paternity test for your daughter."

"He did what?!"

"He got Cierra tested. But I don't wanna talk about it, so when are you and Kevin gonna start having kids?" I changed the subject fast.

"Don't change the subject, Bri. Give me every detail."

I sighed and told her everything that happened. By the time I finished, my face was drenched in tears. It was the first time I cried since I found out about the test.

The doorbell rung, signaling that guest were starting to come. I quickly wiped my tears so no one would see me cry.

As time went by, everyone was here, except Chris. I'm actually glad he didn't come. On the outside, I was calm. But in the inside, I was a happy ass mother fucker.

My mother was there. When I saw her, I thought back to the letter. I handed Cierra to Christen. I looked over at Jr to make sure he was okay, he was playing with Kenaysha's kids. Yes, Kenaysha's here too.

I walked over to my mother, "Mama, can I talked to you?"

She nodded her head and we walked away from everyone else.

I didn't wait for her to say anything. I got right to the point. "What's this?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out the letter.

"Where did you get this?"

"Don't worry about where I got it, just tell me. Were you cheating on daddy?"

"Sit down."

"No! just tell me!" I felt tears threatening to come out.

"You were 8 years old. I don't know what I was thinking. It was Reggie's father. One night, Reggie caught us, he was about 9 or 10 at the time. After that, I wrote that note. Then, your father found out. We argued for hours that day. Then he stormed out the house. That was the last time I ever saw him alive." She stared into space, then broke down out of nowhere. I broke down too.

I just found out that my mothers bad decisions were the reason for my father's death.


I've been at this party for a while now. I haven't seen Briana, Jr, or Cierra and I'm kinda disappointed.

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