Chapter 14: Sat In Silence

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One Week Later

Tears ran quickly down my face as they lowered the casket into the ground.

This is all my fault. He did this because of me.

I looked around at the people around wearing all black and crying their eyes out. If I had forgiven him, no one would be here right now.

I feel eyes staring at me. I don't turn around though. They're all staring at me, because if it weren't for me, they wouldn't be here.

I started to her a voice in my head. A voice I'll always recognize. My daddy.

"You messed up, Briana." He said to me.

His words kept repeating over and over again. It was killing me. It was killing me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I stormed away from everyone else and ran to my car.

I rested my head on the steering wheel.

I messed up. I messed up. I messed up. Now he's dead. There's nothing left for me to do.

What will I do without the love of my life?

I woke up from my horrible dream. I've been having dreams like that since the first day that Chris has been in the hospital. I found out that he's in a coma.

When I found out Chris was gonna live, I stopped listening to the doctor so I didn't know he was in a coma, I just thought he was really tired.

I finally decided to call someone about Chris. I called Mama J. She made me leave to get some rest, considering I haven't left the hospital.

I miss my babies though. Christen brought them by the hospital to see me yesterday. I didn't let them in Chris' room though. While Cierra doesn't know anything, Jr is extremely smart for a 3 year old. He wouldn't know exactly what's going on, but he would know that something isn't right.

I let the hot water hit my body, relieving all my stress. I stayed in the shower for two more hours. I got out and dried my body. I put on clothes and got in the hotel bed. I stared up at the ceiling until I drifted off to sleep, hoping to have a different dream.


I woke up to the feeling of hands all over my body. Due to me just waking up, I couldn't see how it was.

"Chris?" I asked, hoping it would be him.

"Guess again, baby girl." He said. I immediately shot up to see who was in my room. He had on a mask, so I couldn't see his face.

He tried to grab me, but I kicked him in the face before he could.

"Ahh!" He screamed out in pain. I tried to run out the hotel room, but he grabbed me by my hair and threw me onto the bed.

I started to scream "help" in hopes that someone would hear me.

"Shut the fuck up!" He slapped me as hard as he could, making my face sting. He unbuckled his pants, then pulled it out.

"Please don't do this..." I begged and tried to fight him off, but he was too strong.

"Suck it." He put it up to my mouth. I closed my mouth tightly. "I said suck it!" I shook my head. "Suck it or I'll fuck you up!" He pointed a huge gun to my head and cocked it. I still didn't move. He hit me upside my head with the gun and blood was now pouring from my head.

Eventually, his small penis was now in my mouth. Even though Chris and I aren't together, I feel like I'm cheating on him. He removed himself from my mouth and ripped off my clothes.

"No!" I screamed while fighting, but it was no use.

He rammed himself inside of me. I screamed out in pain as he keep going.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Suddenly, the door was open.

"What's taking so lon-" They stopped mid-sentence. "Man, we just here to kidnap her. You not s'pose to be raping her. You need to stick to the plan!"

"Fuck you and yo' plan! Get the fuck out and I call you when I'm done!" The rapist said.

"I'll be in the car." They other person said.

As the rapist thrusted inside of me, I finally decided to make my move. I pushed him off of me when he least expected it.

I ran out in to hallway, screaming for help, while naked. No one was trying to help me, but I wasn't gonna stop.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. That was the last thing I remembered before I hit the hard floor and blacked out.


I slowly opened my eyes after the long time that they were closed. I looked around the room, only my mama was there.

I was right, Briana didn't even love me enough to see me wake up.

I thought to myself. Why am I still alive? I should be dead right now. Why didn't the pills work?

My mama noticed me. "How do you feel, Christopher?"

"Horrible. Where's Briana?"

"She's been here all week. I made her go get some rest."

I'm glad to know that she been here.

"Where's Jr and Cierra?" I asked.

"With Christen."

I know she knows I tried to kill myself. But I know she won't bring it up.

So we just sat in silence.


What's gonna happen to Briana?





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