Chapter 20: Same Day

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I drove to the address that Cassandra told me to meet her at.

Since I had an appointment, the receptionist let me pass into Cassandra's office.

As I walked in, she was hanging up the phone. "Hi, you must be Briana, Chris' fiancée." She greeted me.

"Ex- fiancée, actually. We're not together anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, Chris gas told me a lot of things about you, he really love you." She smiled. "Well, lets get started."

After some hours, she explained to me a lot of things. She's a really good lawyer and I think that Chris actually has a chance of not going to prison with her ad his lawyer.

"Thank you, Cassy." I hugged her, and left.

By the time I got home, I was tired as hell. Jr and Cierra were spending the night at Mama J's, so I had the whole house to myself. Next thing I know, I'm in a deep ass sleep.

One Month Later

"Briana, can you hurry up?" Christen asked. "We have to go, now!"

"Don't rush me!"

Today is Chris' trial and Navoni's wedding. Why did they have to be on the same day?

They were originally the same time, but Chris' trial got changed earlier.


I sat in the court room, in between Mama J and Christina, holding Cierra, while Jr sat next to me. I was biting my nails hella hard as I watched Chris.

The whole time, I wasn't paying attention, I was just waiting for the verdict.

"We the jury, find Christopher Maurice Brown..."


Guilty or not guilty?





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