Chapter 8: Overdue~ CNB

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4 & 1/2 Months Later


I cannot believe this. My baby was due two weeks ago.

Chris and I went to the doctor to find out why I haven't gone into labor yet. The doctor said, "The baby will come when he or she is ready."

This baby better hurry up and get ready.

I was sitting in my bed with Jr. I was playing in his curly hair while he played with one of his toys.

"Jr, do you want a brother or sister?"

"Sister," He didn't take his eyes off his toy.


"She be pretty like you." I gave him a big hug and placed a million kisses on his face. Then, I felt a pain in my stomach. I knew I wasn't in labor because it didn't hurt that bad. Then, I felt a release of water. Shit.

"Mommy, you wet the bed?"

"Jr, tell your daddy to come here and call Navoni."

I'm so happy to finally see my beautiful baby.


"Daddy! Daddy!" Jr shouted. "Mommy said call Navoni because she wet the bed."


He grabbed my hand and let me upstairs. I walked into Briana and I's bedroom. I ran to Briana to help her up. "You okay? You want some water?"

"I'm fine, Chris. Just get me to a hospital." She said calmly like being in labor didn't hurt.

"You sure you don't want some water? I could go get you some water if you want some water. You want some water?"

"I don't want water, Chris!"

I help her down the stairs and into my car. I called Navoni while buckling in Jr.


"Navoni, Briana is in labor! Come here as fast as you can!" Without allowing her to respond, I hung up. She got here within five minutes.

I got in the backseat with Briana and Jr while Navoni drove.

Briana clutched my hand and squeezed the hell out of it and I let out a scream. "Chris, this baby is coming right now."

"No, we're not at the hospital yet." I looked at Navoni, "Navoni, drive faster." She sped up.

"Chris, this baby is coming right now!"


"Jr close your eyes and cover your eyes." He did as he was told and I called my mama.


"Briana, 'bout to have the baby in the back of my car and I don't know what to do." I said all in one breath.

"Tell her to push!" She screamed.

Briana pushed and squeezed my hand. I looked down at her you-know-what. I saw the head and I was about to pass out until Briana screamed again.

"Chris look behind us." Navoni said. I looked out the back window to see a police car tailing us.

Shit! "Navoni, don't pull over." I demanded but she didn't listen.

"Chris, I am not tryna be in a high speed chase." She said while pulling over. Briana pushed again and the head was almost out.

Navoni talked to the officer, then pulled off. We were almost at the hospital. Briana pushed again and now the entire head was out. "One more push." She pushed one last time and I grabbed the baby just as we pulled up to the hospital.

I looked at the beautiful who was crying and cradled in my arms. Navoni ran inside, then came back with a bunch of doctors and nurses and a wheelchairs. They grabbed the baby and put Briana in a wheelchair. Navoni grabbed Jr, who had opened his eyes and uncovered her ears and I went to wash my hands. The doctor told us we couldn't go in yet, but after 5 minutes they let us go in. I walked in to see Briana holding my baby girl.


Since Briana named Jr, I had the honor to name my daughter.

I named her Cierra Nevaeh Brown.

I held my daughter for the first time. She had curly hair, a small amount of barely visible freckles, and hazel eyes.


Now, everyone was here, gawking over my daughter. Briana was asleep now and so was Jr. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Miranda.

Miranda: Did she have the baby yet?

Chris: Yeah, she had her today. Cierra Nevaeh Brown.

I sent her a picture that I took about a hour ago.

Miranda: Aww, she's so cute. But she looks nothing like you.

I didn't even realize that Cierra doesn't look like me. I thought about how she had hazel eyes, Briana and I have brown eyes.

I started thinking that she wasn't mine, but I regretted thinking that. Of course, she mine. I put my phone back in my pocket and started thinking about something to get those thoughts out of my head.

AS everyone started to leave, Briana started to wake up. The only person who was still here was Tamie, Briana's mother. They just looked at each other, and didn't say a word. Then, they just hugged. I hope Briana will have that kind of motherly bond with Cierra.

One Week Later- 4:00 AM

In the middle of my sleep, I was awaken by Cierra's loud cry. I rolled over to fall back asleep, but it wasn't working. "Briana, can you make her stop crying?"

"No, you go."

"Briana," I sat up, "please make her stop crying."

"Chris, you haven't done nothing. Get your ass up."

I sighed loudly. I got up and went into Cierra's room. I turned on the light and walked over to Cierra's crib. I looked down at her, everyday, she looks less like me. I picked her up and she stopped crying. But after a few seconds, she started crying again, only louder this time. I'm glad Jr is with Briana's mother right now, or Cierra would've woke him up. I changed her diaper, but she was still crying. Briana walked in the room and took Cierra from me. She instantly stopped crying. Briana put a pacifier in Cierra's mouth and she fell asleep. She put here back in her crib and walked passed me. I walked back into our room and slowly started to fall asleep until Briana said something.

"She doesn't recognize you."

"What?" I sat up

"Cierra doesn't recognize you. That's why she cried."

"She recognizes me, I'm her father."

"You don't act like it."

"Briana, I am a damn good father, so shut the fuck up and take your ass back to sleep." I laid back down.

She took her pillow and hit me in the face with then walked out the room.


Chris is acting like a major jackass right now. He's mad at me because his own daughter doesn't recognize him. It's not my fault that he decided not to be a good father to his daughter.


Since, Cierra was born, I've been thinking that she wasn't mine. Mo matter how hard I try to not think like that, the thoughts won't go away.

But there is absolutely no way that she is not mine. So why do I feel this way?


Why is Chris feeling like Cierra's not his?





Cierra Nevaeh Brown is in the multimedia >>>

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