Chapter 24: Happy Birthday Chris!

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That whole argument that just went down made me think. Kevin is my everything and I have to talk to him. If I talk to him and he still doesn't want to be a father to my child, I'll file for divorce and find another man who will love me and my child.

Navoni: I'm coming over tomorrow so we can talk.

Kevin: Ok. I love you 😘

I didn't even respond to the text.


The Next Day

I woke up at two o'clock pm. All the bullshit between Briana and I has got me stressed out. I rolled over in bed to grab my phone, I had 32 text messages and 18 missed calls. The fuck is everybody blowing up my phone for?

I read all of the texts, and all of them said, "Happy Birthday!"

Damn, all this shit going on, I forgot my own damn birthday.

Briana ❤👫💍: I know you hella mad at me right now, and I'm mad at yo' ass to, but I just wanna say happy birthday. And I'm sorry for the things I said, I was just talking like that 'cause I was mad.

Chris: Thank you. I forgive you and I apologize for the things I said too.

Briana ❤👫💍: you don't even have to apologize, this whole thing is my fault.

Chris: No, its not, but I'd rather talk about this in person.

Briana ❤👫💍: Me too. Can you come over.

Chris: I'll be over at 3.

I hopped out of the hard ass hotel bed and into the shower.


I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

"Hey." Briana said as she opened the door and allowed me into the house.

I sat on the couch and she sat on the one across from me.

Time for a long, serious talk.


"I'm sorry." we both said at the same time.

"Look, Briana, I'm just going to get to the point. I love you, and I always will, but we can't keep doing this. Be together, fuck, argue, break up, and repeat." I said, its the same process everytime.

"I agree, that's exactly what I was going to say." She said. "We have to at least be friends though, for the kids."

We arranged a schedule. She gets them Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I get them Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And on Saturday, they pick who they want to be with; well Jr picks, 'cause Cierra can't talk yet. I hate to put them through this, but it has to be done, they'll understand when they're older.


"Kevin, go put a shirt on. You thought wrong if you thought me seeing you shirtless was gonna make me jump into your arms."

He went upstairs to put a shirt on and came back down with a plain black shirt.

He sat down next to me, too close to me. I moved down to the end of the couch, away from him.

"Look, Kevin, I'm just gonna get right to the point, do you want to be with me or not. Because if you don't want to, I could file for divorce and find someone new."

"Of course I want to be with you. I wouldn't have said "I Do" if I didn't."

"Well, you need to prove it to me. Come to my appointment next week, I'll text you the time." And with that, I got up and left.


After we made the arrangements fir the kids, He stood to give me a hug, then left. Immediately after I heard his car pull out of the driveway, I ran upstairs and threw up everything that I had eaten before Chris got here.

I flushed the toilet, then brushed my teeth. With as much sex as Chris and I have, I always keep pregnancy test in the medicine cabinet.

I grabbed a test and waited. The wait felt like forever.


After Briana and I made arrangements about the kids, it made me think. Is the baby that Miranda carrying even mine? I mean, she's a sneaky bitch, and she could just be playing me. So I decided to text her.

Chris: I know how sneaky you are, so I'm not sure if this is even my baby. Once he or she is born, we gon' get a test.


I read the text from Chris over and over again from Chris.This baby I'm carrying definitely isn't Chris', so what am I going to do? I thought to myself and decided what I should do.

I texted an old friend of mine named Cassandra, who is also Chris' lawyer.

Miranda: your sister works at the clinic right?

Cassy: Yeah, why?

Miranda: I just wanted to know.

If I can get Cassy's sister to help me, I'll really have everything want, which is Chris


Short, but what do y'all think Miranda is gonna do?

Why does Miranda need help from Cassy's sister?

Will Kevin show up to Navoni's appointment?

Is Briana pregnant again?





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