Chapter 16: Two Weeks

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Before I start off Chapter 16, I just want y'all to go to @BriiaannaGaarciia 's page and read her story, Show Me.

P.S. I made her cover. 😊

But anyway...


As I dropped the kids back off at Christen's, I heard my phone ring.


"Chris, did you forget you have a tour?" It was my manager.

"Shit. Uh, can you push it back like two weeks?"

"Alright, but once those two weeks are up, you gotta leave. First place is Detroit."

I hung up. Before I threw my phone in the passenger seat, I thought of someone who might be able to help me.

I scrolled through my phone, until I found who I was looking for.

"Hello?" Dwayne answered. I still don't like his ass, but I helped him, now he has to help me.

"I need your help..."


After talking to Dwayne, I found out no information on Briana.


I woke up in a familiar place with my head throbbing. I slowly opened my eyes to see the same two people who kidnapped me, talking.

"So why did you rape her, you fucking stupid ass?"

"I been trying to get a piece of that ass for forever."

"Well, now that you got it, can you just stick to the plan."

He nodded, then both of them turned around, facing me.

"Hello sleeping beauty." The one who raped me said.

"Why are you doing this to me?! Who are you?!" I screamed.

They looked at each other, then took off their masks.

I was speechless at the two people who were underneath the masks...

Reggie and Miranda

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because, ever since that day in Red Lobster, I wanted Chris. But you kept getting in my way, but not for long." Miranda spoke while waving a gun in my face.

"I wanted to fuck you ever since you were with Dwayne. But now that I already fucked you, I don't give a shit no mo'. Then, my cousin," he pointed to Miranda, "came to me, asking to help her get rid of unwanted trash, I decided to help. Now here we are."

I held back my tears as they spoke. I can't let them see me cry. I looked around, so that they wouldn't see me cry. Then I realized where I was...

The basement of my home in Detroit.


Two Weeks Later

It's been two damn weeks and I ain't found out shit 'bout Briana. This shit is killing me, I ain't been able to do nothing but smoke and drink. Now, I got to do this fuckin' stupid ass tour. Well, the tour isn't stupid, but I'm pissed.

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