Chapter 7: Hormones

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That thing that I had to tell Briana is nonexistent now. It was really important for her to know, but I heard Dwayne on the phone with Reggie earlier today while he was visiting the boys. He told Reggie it wasn't going to happen again and I was relieved because I didn't want anyone to be hurt.

Dwayne is still here though. The boys are asleep so I know he's going to bother me about getting back with him. Honestly, I love Dwayne, but we're not meant to be. I don't want to keep going back and forth with him.

He walked in my room and closed the door behind him. I didn't say anything to him. He should say anything to me if it doesn't have to do with our kids.


I ignored him.

"Kenaysha?" He said a little louder than before.

I ignored again.

"I know you here me!"

"Dwayne get the hell out of my house." I said as calmly as possible.

"Kenaysha, listen to what I have to say!" I didn't say anything, I just looked at him. "I'm sorry. I want you back. I want to wake up every morning next to you and see my boys grow up. I want us to be a family, for real this time. I love you and the twins."

I still had the same expression as before. "Goodbye, Dwayne."

He walked out sadly. I don't care if he's sad. He should of thought about this before he decided he wanted to be a jackass.


I walked out of the house with my head down. Kenaysha is a bitch. But she's the bitch that I love.

I never thought that I would be the one to say "I love you" and mean it.

I didn't know what else to do for Kenaysha, so I called Chris. He's been giving me advice on how I should get her back.


Two Months Later

I placed my hand on my now 5 month belly, feeling the kick of my baby. I smiled.

My mother hasn't spoken to me since I told her I was pregnant. I don't know why she's so upset, because it's my life and if I want to have another baby, dammit I'll another baby.

"Mommy can I touch the baby?"


I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach where the baby just kicked. Jr looked scared of the movement in my stomach.

"What was that?"

"The baby kicked me."

Jr got mad that the baby kicked me. He's a big mama's boy.

Most kids get mad when they find out they won't be the only child anymore, but Jr was happy. He said he was happy because he didn't want to be lonely.


"Bae, hurry up we gonna be late!" Chris yelled at me.

"Chris stop fuckin' yellin' at me!" I yelled back. My hormones are crazy as hell right now.

"Hormonal ass," Chris mumbled, but he thought I couldn't hear him. I didn't say anything to him, I just walked pass him and put Jr in the car. I got in the car and folded my arms, waiting for Chris to get in.

When he got in, he looked over at me. "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't like when you rush me."

"If you didn't take forever, I wouldn't have to rush you."

"Chris, can you just shut up and drive." I raised my hand to shut him up.

We got there and as we walked in the door, the lady at the desk called my name, "Briana Wright."

We went in and I laid on the thingy while Chris sat in a chair with Jr in his lap. The doctor came in, "Hello, Ms. Wright, hello, Mr. Brown." We told the doctor hello and I lifted my shirt and the doter put the gel on my stomach. He rubbed it around and my baby appeared on the monitor.

"Would you like to know the sex?"

"No, we want it to be a surprise."

"Okay, well you have a very healthy baby." He wiped the gel off. "Remember to take your vitamins. And I'll go get your pictures."

Later That Night

"Chris?" I walked into our bedroom.


I sat down on the edge of our bed, "Are you mad at me?"

"For what?"

"Because, I was being a hormonal bitch."

He moved so he was now sitting next to me. "Briana, you're pregnant with my child. Which means, your hormones are gonna get crazy as hell."

"I love you, Chris"

"I love too."

We kissed then made love.


Then, we cuddled for the rest of the night and talked about baby names.

"What do you think about Leah for a girl and Marcus for a boy?" I said.

"No, that's too traditional. Our baby should have a name that no one will have." He said.

"Let's just talk about it another time."


What do you think about Dwayne and Kenaysha?

Comment some baby names. 👶

Drama soon.





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