Chapter 27: Lonesome Birthday

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One Week Later

It's my birthday, and I'm all alone. Navoni moved back in with Kevin after they settled their problems, now they're on their honeymoon. Jr and Cierra are with Chris. Christen and Christina are in Florida for the rest of this week. Kenaysha isn't really my friend, but we talk from time to time, she probably fucking Dwayne's brains out ever since they got back together. My mama and I haven't talked since Navoni's engagement party. I don't know what Mama J is doing today. So I'm just alone today, what a great way to spend your 22nd birthday.

I sat alone for some minutes, that turned into some hours. I decided to just go shopping.

I was shopping for hours, just buying random stuff. Stuff for me, stuff for Jr, and stuff for Cierra. I know it may not seem like I'm enjoying myself, but I'm actually enjoy being alone.

I was in the food court, eating one of those free samples, when this guy completely knocked me over.

"Oh, shit ma'am, I'm so sorry." He said, extending his hand to help me up.

I took his hand, stood up and brushed myself off, "It's okay." I started to walk away, but then he called me back.


I turned around to see what he wanted, "What?"

"I never got your name, I'm Tyreese." He smiled.

I have to admit, he was sexy. Brown skinned, big plump lips, and you could see his muscles through his skin tight shirt.


"Well, Briana, can I have your number?" He asked. I thought about it. Hell, I'm alone on my 22nd birthday, why not?

I handed my phone to him and he gave me his. After I put my number in it, I returned it, and he did the same.

"I'll call you," he said with a smile before walking away.


I got back home and decided to go clubbing. I was planning to get drunk so I took a cab.

The cab pulled up to Club Desire, I reached into my clutch and paid the driver. I made my way over to the entrance and walked in.

This is my first time at this club, I've always thought it was a strip club. I walked over to the bar.

"What kinda drink you want, beautiful?" The bartender asked before winking at me.

"Give me the strongest thing you got."

He poured the drink, then gave it to me. I drunk the shot, and it tasted good.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, but I ignored it. I took another shot, but I still felt like someone was watching me. Suddenly, someone sat down next to me.

"You don't look like the type to be at a club." The mysterious person next to me said.

I turned to see who was talking to me, only to see the person that I'd met at the mall, Tyreese.

"You don't look like the club type either." I said, taking another shot.

I was just a little tipsy, but I wasn't going to stop taking these shots.


I continued to drink shots after shots. And the next thing I knew, I was pushed up against the wall, with Tyreese kissing all over my neck. He was as drunk, if not more, than I was.

I'm one of those people who get horny when I'm drunk, and Tyreese has me horny as fuck.


I woke up with a major headache. I rubbed my head on my temples to make the headache go away.

I looked around my room, realizing that I wasn't in my room. Where the fuck am I? Was I kidnapped again?

Just as crazy thoughts roamed throughout my head, Tyreese walked in. He handed me a bottle of ibuprofen and a water bottle. "Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome," He smiled. "Don't worry, we didn't fuck. You were really drunk when we left the club, and I didn't know where you lived so I told the cab driver to bring you to my house.

"Thank you."

"There's an extra toothbrush in the bathroom," he pointed to the door, "and I'm cooking breakfast, if you want some."

I nodded my head and went into the bathroom. I did my hygiene routine, then made my way down the stairs.

There were two plates on the table. I sat down and proceeded to eat the breakfast that he had prepared. "Thank you, Tyreese."

"You're welcome."

He so nice, I wished I'd been with him instead of Chris. But then, if I'd never been with Chris, I wouldn't have Jr or Cierra.

"You want me to drive you home?" He asked.

"No, I'll just take a cab."

"You sure?"

"Ye-" I looked into my clutch to see that I didn't have enough money for a cab, "actually, I do need a ride home."


"Thank you so much Tyreese."

"Anytime. I'll call you." He said, before driving off.

I walked into my house and immediately went in the shower. After I washed, I put on some sweat pants and a tank top, then plopped in bed.

Even though my 22nd birthday wasn't what I expected, I still met someone whose really nice.


Do y'all like Tyreese?





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