Chapter 29: The Plan

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I knew Chris would be pissed after I told him about all Miranda's games.

We had a plan to expose her for who she really was. All we need was a few more people to help and some weapons.


This plan that Briana and I had in the making was the shit. It would expose her in front of everybody and that shit is gonna be hilarious as fuck, but we needed more help.

I called Kenaysha, 'cause she was the only one who could help spread the word. Even though she still disgusts me, her help was needed. Next, I called my manager, I told her to book me a show and have it shown live and world wide on t.v.

The plan was to get Miranda to the show, and at the end, I'll bring her up on stage and say some stuff, then, we'll expose her for the bitch she really is.

One Week Later

"Miranda, hurry up!" I said.

I've been dealing with this bitch's bullshit for the last week, but today is the day. Today is the day that I get to laugh my ass off. Today is the day, that Miranda learns who she's fuckin' with. 


After I performed, and the show was almost over, it was now time for the plan.

Someone who was in on the plan escorted Miranda on the stage, while someone else brought a chair.

I turned to the audience, "Y'all probably didn't know this but, my "baby mama" recent;y had a "miscarriage"," I started, "But, a little birdy told me something last week." Just then, Briana walked out on stage.

"Chris, wha-"

"Briana, told me that Miranda got an abortion, and that the baby was wasn't mine anyway." I said cutting Miranda off.

"She lied, Chris!"

"I thought you might say that," I turned to Miranda, "so, I did a little research with Cassandra's sister." I put the microphone near Miranda's mouth, "You wanna tell the people what happened after that?"

"I had a miscar-"

"You lying bitch." I cut her off. "You can stop lying now, 'cause the whole world knows your game now." I smiled.

Miranda groaned and stormed away. After she left, I bursted out in laughter.


After the show, once all the people who were in the audience were gone, it was time to end this finally. Briana, Navoni, Kevin, Christen, Christina, Dwayne, and I were just waiting for the right time. We were waiting for the right time to end this Miranda situation forever.

All of us had our guns, 'cause we knew exactly how this was going to go down. The only person who didn't have a gun was Navoni, because she's pregnant.

I think that Briana shouldn't have a gun either. One, Miranda doesn't like her, so I know Miranda's gonna try to hurt her. Two, I'll be damned if I let the mother of my kids get hurt. And three, she's has the worst aim, the last time she had a gun, she was shooting at me, and the bullets were no where near where I was.

I finally walking into my dressing room, where Miranda was, she ran in there after I embarrassed her.

"I hate you, Chris."

"I hate yo' ass too," hate was a strong word, but that's how I felt about her.

"Chris, she was lying to you. Are you really gonig to believe her over me?"

"Hell yeah, I'm gonna believe her over you! I trust her with my life, but I can't trust a lying ass bitch like you."

"Well, you can't trust her if you're dead." She pulled out a gun.

Everything started to move extremely fast. Before I knew it, everybody who was standing outside was know inside with their guns pointed at Miranda. I heard two gunshots, then a few seconds later, there was too many gunshots to count. Miranda laid on the floor with bullet holes all over her body in a pool full of her own blood. Once everything began to go back to regular speed, I heard a loud thump behind me. I turned around to see Briana on the floor, blood was all over her clothes.

I ran over to her trying to fight the tears.

I knelt down next to her and began to apply pressure to her wounds, I didn't know if I was doing it properly though, I had only seen this on t.v. She was shot twice, in her right arm and her right breasts. She started to cough up blood, and her eyes were slowly closing.

"Briana, do not close your eyes!" I demanded.

"I love you, Chris." She said before coughing up more blood until her eyes finally closed.


What do y'all think?

Is Briana dead?

At least Miranda's finally dead :)




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