Chapter 25: At The Worst Times

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I was hella tried about stressin' over Briana, Miranda, and all this other bullshit, so I was going to celebrate my birthday at a strip club with my niggas.

As soon as I walked into the club, I went to the bar. It's my birthday and I want to get fucked up. After I had my drink, I went up to the V.I.P. area, where everybody already was and some strippers.

I sat down and lit the blunt that I had then took a hit.

Two strippers walked up to me, they looked Spanish or some shit.

"Hola Papi," one of them said.

"Your amigo over there," she pointed at Mijo, who was getting a lap dance, "told us its your birthday, and we want to give to a birthday present." The other one whispered in my ear. They grabbed my hands and led me away from everyone else. They took me to a private room that had nothing but a bed in it.

Spanish hoe #1 pushed me down on the bed, while Spanish hoe #2 talked. "This is the room where we bring our special customers."

Spanish hoe #1 got down on her knees and started unbuckling my belt. I felt "Cj" get excited.

"And since its you're birthday, we're going to give you a special present."

Spanish hoe #1 pulled "Cj" out of my pants, she looked surprised at how big CJ was. She put the whole thing in her mouth and Spanish hoe #2 got down on her knees beside hoe #1 and they shared my dick. And all I could do was throw my head back in pleasure. Best. Birthday. Present. Ever.


I can't be pregnant again.

Hopefully, the test was wrong. I can't be pregnant at a time like this.

I didn't know what else to do, so I called Navoni, I was too lazy to walk to her room, she's probably asleep anyway.

It rang once than went to voicemail. I know this bitch didn't just ignore my call.

So I texted her.

Briana: Why did you ignore my call?

Navoniiiiii 👭: why did you call? I'm like two feet away from you.

Briana: I'm tired, and I have to tell you something, just answer the phone.

Navoniiiiii 👭: Nope, just walk. Exercise is fun.

"Ugh!" I groaned and walked to her room. I sat on the bed and just glared at her, "you could've just answered the phone," I mumbled.

"So what do you have to tell me?"

"I took a pregnancy test and it was positive."



"You and Chris need to start using condoms. You are only 21 years old and you're pregnant with your third child."

"I know Navoni, but I'm turning 22 in two weeks." I said, trying to make the situation better.

"But y'all aren't even together. You're a single mother of three kids."

I started to cry. Why do I always get pregnant at the worse times.


Honestly, I don't even want this baby. I hate kids, they're too much work. So I've decided to let Cassy's sister give me an abortion. I don't even care how Chris feels about it, it's not even his baby.

I think he already knows anyways. He knows the type of person I am, so why would he even think for a second that this is his baby?


One Week Later

I don't think Kevin is gonna come. I've been sitting in this waiting room for half an hour and he's not here yet.

I told him that if he doesn't come, our relationship is over. He claims how much he loves me and actually wants to be there for our child, yet he's not here.

I checked my watch, I told him that my appointment was at 12, but it was really at 1, and his ass is late as fuck.

When the nurse called my name, I stood up and walked to the back with her. She lead me to a room and told me that the doctor would be with me shortly. So I sat there, bored as hell, waiting for the doctor, until Kevin walked through the door.

"I-" I cut him off by putting my hand up.

"Just shut up and wait for the doctor to come."


Will Navoni and Kevin get a divorce?






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