Chapter 22: Crawling

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"Navoni, we need to talk." Kevin said.

I took a deep breath, I guess I'll tell him now.

"We married now, so that means no more secrets. Wassup?"

"Do you really want the truth?"

Of course, he wanted the truth. I was just wasting time so I didn't have to tell the truth.


I inhaled, the exhaled before I said, "I'm pregnant."


I was awakened by a loud knock on the door. Chris' arm was wrapped around my waist as my back was pressed against his naked chest.

I tried to move away from his grasp, but he was to strong.

"Stop, just lay here with me all day."

"Chris, there's someone at the door." I pleaded.

"If it was important, they'd call."

Then I heard the front door shut and my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I'm in your house."

"Okay, I'm coming in like 15 minutes."

She hung up.

"Chris, get off me, please."


I bit his arm, and he unwrapped it from around me.

I slipped on some clothes and went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I walked downstairs to see Navoni sitting on my couch. She has a key, for emergencies.

"Wassup?" I sat down next to her.

"I told him." She said.

"What'd he say?"

"This nigga had the nerve to tell me that it wasn't his. Then, we got into this big ass argument, then I packed my shit and left, now I'm here."

I was in complete shock. I would have never thought that the Kevin that I knew would have done something like this.

"Do you want to stay here with Chris, the kids, and I?" I asked.

"No, I'll stay at a hotel, I don't want to listen to you and Chris fuck 24/7."

"You know me and Chris are not together. We do not fuck." I lied, we just did last night.

"You wasn't saying that last night, though." Chris said as he walked down the stairs, without a shirt. "Hey, Navoni."

"Shut up, stupid." I threw the closest thing to me at him, which was one of Jr's toys.


"Anyways," I turned back to Navoni, "you staying here, I'll help you get your stuff out your car."

Navoni and I grabbed all her bags and suitcases out of her car and carried them up to the guess room. I helped her get settled in and stuff then left.

I walked into Chris and I's room, well Chris' room, since I sleep in the other guest room now. I was going to inform Chris that Navoni was going to be living with us. As soon as I walked in, he was walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. His body was glistening and I was lost for words.

"Hello..." He waved his hand in my face.

"Oh! Huh..what?"

"I said, what happened with Navoni and Kevin?"

Hidden Secrets: (Chris Brown Fanfiction) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now