"Little" Incident

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This is an update. I couldn't resist writing another chapter, but I have a few things to say first. If my chapters seem extremely short, I'm sorry but I'm writing these chapters on my phone, so it's impossible for me to know if I have more than one page or not. Anyway, here's the next chapter!

Mel's POV

I wake up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I automatically hit the off button and sit upright on my bed. I get up and head straight for my tall mirror that shows my whole body. I stare at my tanned skin. Mother has a pale skin. Since I'm half human it would make sense for my skin to not be pale like mom's. I then look at the physical features of my body. I look nothing like a vampire. My body doesn't look strong, but it doesn't look to weak either. It looks average.

'I wonder if I'll have all the vampire abilities my mom has,' I think. I snap out of my unfocused state as mom knocks on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I say and mom walks into my room.

"I'm going to drive you to school today to make sure you get there safely. And I'll pick you up early so that we can start packing," She says guiltily.

"OK," I said, making sure to hide my confusion as to why mom sounded guilty.

I look at the time and realize I have half an hour to get ready for school. Why does that always seem to happen?

"'ll be down in twenty," I say as she closes the door silently. I suddenly get to my daily routine and rush to my walk-in closet. I'm going to wear a cute gray sweatshirt with my dark blue skinny jeans, along with my black scarf with white polka-dots. Satisfied, I set down the outfit on my bed and rush to my bathroom while grabbing my towel. I headed over to the shower instead of the bathtub and turned it on. I turned on my curling iron and set it down, stepping into the shower. I take a 5-minute shower and rush to my curling iron. I dry up my hair and quickly curl my hair. After I'm done, I walk into my room and put on my outfit. I look at the time when I'm done. 7:15. Perfect, I'm on time. I grab my backpack and rush downstairs towards the kitchen. Mom's already there eating her breakfast and I see mine on the table next to her. I walk over to the door and set my backpack down. Then I walk over to her and sit down.

"Thanks, mom," I say before taking a bite.

"No problem honey," she says as she watches me eat. I quickly finish my eggs and sausages and gulp down my orange juice. Mom gets up and picks up her keys. I walk over to the door and pick up my backpack. We head towards her car and she puts in the access code on the door. I walk in and sit down on the passenger seat when the door opens. Mom starts the car and presses the garage button on the mirror in front of her. Soon, the garage door opens slowly and we head out to school.

"I'm going to tell the guards to pack up the house, so don't be worried if I look spaced out," mom says. I look at her confused and realize what she means. She's going to speak to them in her mind. She does look weird when she does it. It looks like she's not focusing when she truly is.

'I should learn how to do that' I think as we pull up to the school. I have 10 minutes before school starts.

"I'll pick you up at 11:00 OK?" mom asks and I quickly nod. She pulls away and I walk into the school and head to my locker. As I'm shoving things in my locker, I sense April sneaking up behind me. I guess that's an advantage to being a vampire, although she wasn't doing a good job of sneaking. I quickly turn around and she groans with frustration and I chuckle.

"Well, it was worth a try," she says happily.

'I wonder why she's so happy'

"How'd you take the news of being a half vampire?" She asks giddily.


"Umm, I don't know," I say nonchalantly.

"How'd you take the news?"I say already knowing what she was going to say.

"Awesome!" She screams. Some people look over at her, irritated and she returns the look.

"I can't believe you're a princess!" April whisper-screamed. Now it was time for me to groan.

"Shouldn't you be a little quieter when saying things like that?" I scolded her.

"Sorry, but it's just so cool!" She whisper screamed again. One day, her loud mouth will be the death of her.

"Why aren't you excited about it?" She asks, finally noticing my glum expression.

"Well, what if I don't want to be a vampire?" I asked quietly, "I liked things just the way it was. My life is weird enough as it is with the secrecy, and I don't need another secret in my life."

"Come on it's not that bad. We're half vampires, it's not like we'll have to stay away from the sun or we'll burn. That could also mean we don't have all the features of a full vampire. We don't have fangs or drink blood. Think on the bright side," she says sternly, but playfully.

"Whatever," I say as I shut my locker, none too friendly. I start walking to class. We both have French 4 in the same period. As we reach the foreign language hall, I hear two familiar voices clearly and gasp with shock at my surprisingly enhanced hearing.

"You OK?" April asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm just surprised at how my hearing is becoming better."

"Oh yeah, that happened to me before you came. I heard a guy talking to this chic about what they were going to do after a party. You don't want to know what they were saying," April says disgustedly.

I focus in on the two having a conversation. April sees what I'm doing and follows suit.

"She knows she's being followed," a masculine voice says. Suddenly I realize who's having the conversation. April realizes too.

"You said you would make sure she never found out."

"We'll just have to kill her and get it over with," the brunette says with anger.

"You know very well that if you kill her, every vampire in her kingdom will know."

"Well I'm willing to take that chance, I carry out the orders of my mate after all."

'Mate?' I think, but my thoughts are suddenly pushed away as I hear footsteps coming our way. I suddenly panic and grab April's arm. We both rush into an empty room. The footsteps get louder and closer. The door opens and the teacher points a gun at my face. I scream while April freezes in fear. Suddenly I feel my body tingle stretch apart as if someone's pulling me at both sides. My eyes are blinded by a bright light and next thing I know, we're on my bedroom floor. I try to stand up, but I get an overwhelming dizzy spell. April calls out my name frantically as I welcome the darkness engulfing me.


Hey, I hope this is more than what I've written in the past chapters. In the next chapter, there will be three POVs, if that's allowed. They will be of Marina (Mel's mom), April, and the brunette that was having a conversation. Finally the book is becoming exciting. I hope this isn't a rush! Comment, Vote, and Share! :)

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