My Playlist

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My songs that inspire me to write:

*Tag, your it- Mel Martini (love this nickname )
*Oh No!- Marina and the Diamonds
*Teenagers- My Chemical Romance
*Bad Romance- Lady Gaga
*Shatter Me Featuring Lizzy Hale- Lindsay Sterling
*Still Into You- Paramore
*Summertime Sadness- Lana Del Rey
*The Real Slim Shady- Eminem
*Don't Cry- Guns N' Roses
*Cake- Mel Martini
*Starboy- The Weeknd
*Build God, Then We'll Talk- Panic! At the Disco
*There's a Good Reason Why These Tables Are Numbered, Honey you Just Haven't Thought of it Yet- Panic! At the Disco
*Nearly Witches [Ever Since we Met]- Panic! At the Disco
*Weight in Gold- Gallant
*Human- Jon Bellion
*Bonterusle - NateWantsToBattle
*The Internet is Here- Dan and Phil

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