Alexandria: My worst birthday ever!

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I stood in front of the full length mirror in my large bedroom. Today was my 16th birthday but it was also the day my sisters and I would become queens of Aether. Did I forget to mention that we are princesses of Aether? My sisters and I have never wanted to become queens, but here we were, dressed in our full length coronation dresses, about to become rulers of our home. My dress was pine tree green silk, with a cocoa brown gauze drifting down the skirt. I was wearing brown ballet flats, and my long blonde hair cascaded in golden ringlets down my back. my green sleeves went to my elbows and a pearl necklace rested against my throat. but most importantly, my gold element ring sat on my right ring finger. I didn't know exactly what my element was, but I was supposed to find out tonight. Mum said that the rings would show themselves to us on the exact minute we were born. I was born at 10:23. so I still had about 3 hours until then. Joy. Taressa walked into my room... well more like wobbled.
       "Can't. Breath. Dress. Too. Tight." She spit out. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.
        " you think anything that's not a blouse and trousers... is... too tight.. " I replied. she just glared at me. Her dress was like mine, except the silk was fiery red, and the gauze over the skirt was a sunset orange. and her flats were a golden yellow. her wavey red hair was pulled back into a ladder braid, and she wore no jewelry, except for her golden ring band. Leia, Sydney, and I are positive that she's fire, none of us would be surprised if she was. she was born at 10:09 so she's a few minutes older than me. Leia and Sydney walked into my room laughing, but stopped when they were standing by us. Leia was wearing a light brown silk dress with white gauze over the skirt. She wore white flats and a silver necklace with a small heart on it. her naturally straight, platinum blonde hair was pulled into a bun, and her silver ring sat on her right hand's middle finger. she was born at 10:13. Sydney was wearing a Light Blue silk dress, with a dark blue gauze over the skirt. she wore white flats as well. her brownish blonde hair was curled and pulled into a french braid, then was tied into a ponytail, so that her curls showed. she wore a silver necklace with a blue star charm. she also had a silver ring, which she wore on her left middle finger. she was born at 10:17, which made me the youngest.
           "hey Leia, Syd." I greeted. "what's up?"
            " meh, nothing much. Leia over here has only been crying for the past 6 hours because of the coronation. I swear, that girl could be water, because her tears are ENDLESS!" Syd said. I smiled. she was really funny and sweet, but put her in front of a crowd of strangers to make a speech about Forest fires, and she clams up real fast. then once she stutters out a few words, your liable to get thrown into the moat. I learned that the hard way. Leia spoke up real quick
            "You were the one that came in with mud on your riding clothes and sticks in your hair, Syd. Mother about fainted!" we all laughed at this. We still hadn't figured out how to get out of the coronation yet. I was thinking through all my books and lessons when I had an idea. I was just about to tell everyone else when our escorts came to take us to the ball room. I decided I would tell them when we got there. as we were walking down the corridors, I motioned to the girls andi ran back to my room, saying i forgot something. i couldn't take too long so i simply said,
          "Okay, at the ball we need to talk. meet me by Mum and Dad's painting, right after introductions." they nodded their heads in agreement. we walked back to our escorts and continued to the ballroom. Tessa went first, then Leia, then Syd, and finally Me.
            "Taressa Vanria (A/N vAn-riA)Aether, First born Princess of Aether."
             " Leia Areen (A/N a-reeN ) Aether, Second born Princess of Aether."
             "Sydney Vanreen (A/N VaN-rEEn) Aether, Third born princess of Aether."
             "Alexandria Jemria (A/N Jem-rIa) Aether, Fourth born princess of Aether" we waved as we walked down the gold spiraling Staircase, then walk non suspiciously towards the painting.
             "Okay, do you remember the old witch mum and dad told us about that lived in the forest? the one that can grant anyone their greatest desires? the one mum and dad said never to seek?". they nodded. "well we have to 'seek' her if we ever want to get out of becoming Queens." they stared at me incredulously. "Are you guys in? its the only way." they all slowly nodded their heads. " alright here's the plan. Tessa, you tell father you are going to the powder room, but make sure mum isn't there. Leia you tell mum you are going to the powder room, Syd you tell Aunt Karleen, and I'll tell Uncle Robert. then go to your rooms and pack your things, get your riding outfits out, and such. then we all come back, and say you left your gloves in there, yes Leia you have to take them off in your room, then run upstairs, change and meet in my room. I have vines down my room that lead to the stables. we will leave a note in my room, and escape through there. got it?" they nodded. "then let's go" I made sure Uncle Robert was alone then walked up to him. "Uncle Robert, I'm going to the Powder room. I'll be back soon." "alright dear."  he said. I practically ran to my room. I grabbed my saddlebag, two more bags, my archery set, dagger, books, and riding outfit. I laid my riding outfit on my green and gold bed covers. my room was large and spacious, and had lots of lighting. I had skylights and glass doors that could be covered with green and brown drapes. it was hard to believe that i might not ever see this room again. I took my bags and started packing trousers, blouses, dresses, more riding clothes, coats and shawls. in my saddle bag, I stuffed some food that I had managed to swipe from the kitchens, my favorite book, a mortal book, called The Lightning Thief, a few extra daggers, some rope, my camera, phone, and  and some supplies for my horse. once I was packed, I took off my gloves, and returned to the ball. my uncle saw me come back in and motioned to his hands as if to say 'where are your gloves' I pretended to notice and ran back upstairs. I saw the girls standing in my room when I got there. "took you long enough" Tessa said.
           "oh shut it. let's write the note and go. just let me change." I walked into my bathroom and changed into my riding clothes. I wore a pair of green riding trousers and a brown blouse. then I slipped on my brown riding boots and walked out. alright. let's write the note. I sat down at my desk and took a piece of stationary out.
             Dear Mom and Dad,
You know we love you right? Ok and you remember that time when we got lost in the woods and you couldn't finds us for days? and when you finially found us, you didn't scold us much? ok keep that in mind. 
We are leaving. we simply can't rule. and you know that. you have tried to make us 'Queen Material... but even you had your doubts. maybe after a little while.... we'll have better knowledge once we come back, if we come back... but we just can't do it. Please forgive us and please understand. We love you more than the sun and the moon. (remember that story? how the sun loved the moon so much, she died every night to let him breathe?) and thats why we have to do this. 
We promise to take care of ourselves. but please don't come looking for us. We'll find you when we are ready to return.
your daughters,  
Taressa, Leia, Sydney, and Alexandria
P.S. We still think the advisor is a little weasel.

We left it on my bed and grabbed our things. we were planning to climb down the vines. easier said then done. I think I swallowed Syd's shoe about 7 times, Leia almost feel off twice, Sydney got vine burn and Ressa almost dropped one of her bags on an arriving duke and duchess. when we finally got to the ground we crept into the stables. fortunately, no one was there. we attached all our bags onto our horses' saddles then mounted our horses. my quiver was next to my right knee and my bags were on my left. my dagger was strapped to my thigh and my bow was slung over my back. we snuck out the back way. when we finally got out of the gates and were standing in front of the forbidden woods, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. so did everyone else. "you guys ready?" I asked. thy nodded their heads. "then let's go" and we plunged into the dark woods. 

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