Alex: First Day of School

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Heyo Guys! So I hope y'all will like this chapter, Two big surprises, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!


(A/N Alex's Outfit is in the Multimedia)

Once the first 'beep' of my alarm sounded, I was up and running towards my closet. I picked out a pair of green skinny jeans, a Dorothy Perkins Cream Waist Tunic, and a pair of brown boots. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I curled my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I put on green eyeliner, gold eye shadow and black mascara. I placed my element ring on my middle finger, and slipped on my infinity necklace, the cold chain sending a shiver down my spine. I walked out and grabbed my backpack with all of my supplies in it. I bounced downstairs and got an apple. I slid into my seat next to Tessa and began chomping down on my apple. For the first time in a while, she was smiling. a genuine happy smile. "Good Morning!" I said enthusiastically. "Mornin'" she said with the same amount of enthusiasm. She was wearing Red skinny jeans, a Red Trojans shirt, yellow and orange tennis shoes and her element ring. her newly permed hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She then continued to eat her eggs and toast. Syd and Leia soon joined us, both wearing bright smiles to accompany their fantastic outfits. Leia wore a brown, short skirt and a white blouse that said 'Do Epic Chic'. she also had on a pair of knee length white boots and her element ring. To add a bit of bling to her outfit, she put in a pair of diamond studs. Her hair was up in an intricate up-do- something I could never do. Sydney wore a pair of dark blue jeans, a flowery tank top and a pair of blue high tops, plus her element ring. Her hair was pushed over her shoulder in a plain side braid. Simple, but sweet. They sat down, Leia with some toast and jam, and Syd with a plate of eggs and bacon. I stole a piece of bacon off her plate and she sent me 'go make your own bacon!' look. I simply smiled and grabbed my backpack and walked out to the living room. I plopped my self down on the chair and turned on the news "3 students found dead on Blue Ridge High School Campus This morning. The killer is unidentified but is believed to be middle aged teacher Mr. Anthony Cortez. The only note found next to the students said '3 weeks left before Aether Crumbles.' It is believed to be a Code, the mayor is currently trying to decode. More news on that later. The next topic. 'Has the internet really created it's own race, FANGIRLS? We are cur...." I paused and rewinded, reading it over again. I felt sick to my stomach. "Guys?" I said In a shaky voice. "You need to come see this." They walked in and watched with the same horrified expressions as me. Tears were forming in my eyes. Those kids were innocent! they had nothing to do with this! It was then and there that I knew, Robert and Melissa were going to pay. I grabbed my backpack and stormed out to the garage, Tessa right on my heels. I heard Syd turning off the T.V. and her and Leia walking out as well. They each got into their separate cars, and Tessa got into mine. We drove out and went to school. I still wiping tears from my eyes. The School Teacher! He wasn't even apart of this! I was really angry now.

When we got to school, I expected it to be swarming with police cars and worried parents. Instead there was one sheriff car with a dude leisurely drinking coffee and helping himself to a doughnut. I. Was. Furious. So when we got inside the school and went to our lockers I threw my bag in there and stormed upstairs. and then, I heard the laughing and groans. the groans sounding a lot like Liam. I took off running to find the source, the girls hot on my heels. When we came to a stop at the hallway it was coming from, I was horrified at the scene that awaited me. Liam was curled up into a ball, and a three other boys were kicking and punching him. That only fueled my anger. "OY! What. The. Bloody Hell. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" they turned to see who it was and simply laughed when they saw us. Ohhhhh they should not have done that. mmmmh. "I don't usually hit girls, but if I need to I will. I'll give you one warning. turn around and forget you ever saw this." The apparent leader said smoothly. I smiled "Sure. WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER YOU BLOODY ARSE!" "You give me no choice." he said. he walked over to me and tried to throw a punch at me. 'Try' being the key word. I grabbed his fist mid-air. turned around and flipped him over my shoulder. The other two started toward my sisters. big mistake. The video camera shattered and I started growing vines around them. my fists clenched making them go tighter. I probably would have regretted what I would have done next, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around in surprised to see Liam standing there. "You're Okay!" I shouted gleefully as I hugged him. he winced "you're not okay!" he shook his head. "I.. I'm fine!" I poked him and he winced. "you are clearly not." I stated. he grinned his unbearable grin through the pain, and I made an Aethen plant grow out of the ground. I quickly made it into Paste and spread it on his wounds. soon enough, the pain disappeared, as well as the bruises. including multiple previous one. I spread the same paste on the other dudes. I wasn't even going to bother learning their names. the bruises and such disappeared, but not the pain. Leia waved smelling salts under their noses and they sat bolt upright, looked at us in sheer terror and ran off to the principals office. like she would believe their story. Leia used her wind powers to fix the camera, made sure the video of them beating up Liam would be there, and then we all started down the hallway again. Leia soon went to check out the dance studio, Tessa the gym, and Syd the art studio. Liam took that as his chance to lead me to the music room. I saw so many instruments, but my eyes landed specifically on the glossy ebony piano. I sat down and started playing the chords to had me @ Hello by Olivia Holt and Luke Benward.

I can feel you comin' from a mile away

My pulse starts racin' from the words that you say.

and you say so many of them like you don't have a clue,

That I'm signed, sealed, delivered, with a stamp on.

Liam grabbed a guitar and joined in.

You don't have to try to hard. You already have my heart.

You don't got a thing to prove. I'm already into you.


Hold, hold, hold, hold me tight now.

Cause i'm so. so good to go

Don't say,

Don't say good night you know,

You had me @ hello

You had me @ hello

You had me @ hello.

Don't say, don't say goodnight, you know

You had me @ hello!

We heard a soft clapping from the doorway and turned to see my sisters and the music teacher standing in the doorway. I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks and I saw Liam looking the same. All of our heads snapped up when we heard the bell go off. Liam took my hand and we walked to our lockers. I grabbed my stuff for Latin and turned around. Waiting for Liam. As I glanced around, I saw that kid that had been beating up Liam. The one I Judo flipped. I glared at him but only got an evil grin in response. My anger turned to confusion as I saw a girl walk up to him. they both looked at me, and for a moment, I could have sworn they were Robert and Melissa.


Ooooh possible Shape shifting? Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Check ya later!


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