Sydney: Weirdest birthday ever

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2 Hours Earlier

"Do... You... Have... Any... Idea... How... The... Maids... Get these... So Tight?" Tessa spluttered out. I looked up and tried to hold in my laugh, but when i couldn't anymore, I tried to disguise it as a cough. Very Badly however. Tessa glared at me and started yelling her head off. She walked out, still yelling at me and started waddling in the direction of Alex's room. 

"Hopefully Alex will help that fire ball." I muttered under my breath. Everyone was dressed, ready to go. Except me. I could not seem to find my dress. Just then Leia walked in and she handed me my dress.  

"Here you go!" she cheerfully said,"I was looking around and i saw it and i thought it was gorgeous but then i realized how perfect it would look on you and i got the other dress and i put it on, but then i misplaced your dress and i was running around looking for it and when i found it i tripped and ripped my dress so i had to go get it fixed and then i-"

"You talk too much," I cut her off," hand me my dress or we'll be late!"  I slipped into my light blue long dress with dark blue gauze over the skirt and I put my skinny feet into my pure white flats  I brushed out my hair my curls still in tact, and left the room. 

 Leia and I started talking about the coronation and one thing lead to another, soon we were laughing our butts off about something that happened 3 years ago.

Finally we stopped and calmed down. Maybe there was a smirk or two or a giggle. We walked up to Tessa and Alex and started chatting about the coronation.  As we walked down the hall way to the stairs for our coronation, Alex ran back to her room and we followed. We are the princesses of Aether. I just so happen to be one of the middle children that never get to much attention. But I don't mind, I'm very shy, I don't like all the attention. I only like it when I get in trouble. I love getting mom angry over my riding clothes. I walked in looking like I fell into a soggy, wet, mud puddle. And that's actually what happened. After I rode I had to feed Storm, that's my horse. He's a black spotted saddle. He's kind of like one of my best friends. Well I was getting storm water and it spilled. I turned around to go get more and I forgot all about the puddle. I walked and slipped. Storm came up and I rode him the rest of the way the the castle. When mother saw me she screamed. She was talking to Leia when it happened so Leia was laughing in the background and now she keeps referencing to it.  

"Meet me by Mum and Dad's painting when we get down there." Alex said quickley so the escorts wouldn't get suspisious of us being gone too long. Once we reached the stairs, Baily-Whick (our royal care taker/butler/agent/announcer, he does many things for this royal family) introduced us and we all ran into each other by the painting like we planned. One thing I might have forgotten to say is with this coronation we are going to be queens, that's kind of what a coronation is, here's the twist, we don't want to be queens! We don't really think we're ready so Alex, the mastermind of our group, came up with a plan.  

"Do you remember that old witch mum and dad used to talk about? How they told us never to seek her?......(I kind of zoned out.. hehe. All I heard was that first part and meet me in my room with your riding clothes and a packed bag.) 

I got dressed in my dark blue riding pants, blue riding top with soft white lace, and dark brown riding boots. In my blue bag with teal lining I had all my favorite books, all my favorite candles, pages to write on, and my sketchbook collection. I think my bags is bigger on the inside than the outside because that has to be a lot, lets not forget the essential shirts, pants, and shoes.  

"So where are we going again?" I asked Leia, we basically get along perfectly I mean we are only born 4 minutes apart, so you can call us the closest relation out of all the siblings. 

"You didn't hear Alex's speech? Oh lemme guess, you zoned out." she replied. 

"Ya I kind of stared at a palm tree and that was it, I heard a few words though. like about this!" We both laughed. She is the bestest friend I could have besides Alex. They are like the same for me. Tessa on the other hand, we bicker a lot. She is kinda the jock while I am the artistic geek. She picks on me a lot, but if anyone else messes with me she blows her top. Lets just say the last knight to do that ended up bed-laid for 6 months, and it took him 12 to recover completely.

"We are going to that old witches cottage in the forbidden forest. I hope this works." 

"What! I wish I was listening more. This is a terrible idea! What if we get trapped! Stuck there! " 

"Just remember that those are all just what if's." said Leia soothingly. She really knows how to calm a person down. 

Alex walked out dressed in her riding clothes and ready to write the letter. She wrote something about us not being ready the rule and that we would miss them dearly. I sure will! They were the best parents I could ever ask for. We then went out the window and climbed on the vines down.  

"Why do we have to go this way!" I asked impatiently. 

"Because- shoot! ok phew" I couldn't tell what but apparently something fell and almost6 hit a duchesses head as we were climbing down," anyways it keeps us from being noticed as we sneak into the forest." replied Tessa. 

"Are you sure that 4 beautiful princesses climbing down some vines would just not be noticed especially after someone almost gets hit in the head!"  Leia argued. 

"My hands hurt!" I squealed, I think I'm getting vine burn!" 

"Oh stop being such a baby." stated Ress. 

"Me the baby? I'm only 8 minutes younger than you!" I replied cuttingly. 

"Still that makes you younger than me!"said Ress. We never really get along, It's only because she's a hot head. I wouldn't argue with anyone it she got fire power. 

"Will you two stop fighting!" Came in Alex. She is the more calm earthy girl in the group.  

"Okay," I said sulking,"Only if she apologizes."  

"Sorry! There you happy now!" She replied over dramatically. 

We dropped to the ground.

"Very!" I said as I smiled and walked away to the stables. And they all followed as we mounted  and headed toward the forbidden forest.

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