Alex: I get chased by a magic vine

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I was so shaken, that I almost didn' t notice the piece of paper lying on the ground were Robert had stood. I walked over and picked it up. A McDonalds receipt. that means.... they can track us by the credit cards.... I knew it was too good to be true!  That means we can't use them..... what if they plan on destroying the kingdom, then killing us... what if...... I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realise I had wandered out into the gardens. I love gardens, which isn't surprising. but nobody else was out here because it was too hot. I saw a limp vine on the ground and i bent down and used my power to strengthen it. I smiled, got up,  and breathed in the smell of all the plants. I kept wandering around, and as I turned a corner, not looking where I was going, I bumped right into someone. I started to fall, and I closed my eyes to wait for the impact. suddenly two strong arms wrapped around me. I opened my kaleidoscope eyes to a pair of chocolate brown eyes.
"uh... umm.. t...t..thanks" I stuttered... what is wrong with me?  I never stutter.... he helped me regain my balance.
"uh, no problem." he smiled that's very nice smile..... NONONONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOOOOOYYYYSSSSSSS! I scolded myself.
"My name is Alexandria, but most people call me Alex... or Dria.... or Xandi..... or Andi.... come to think of it I have a lot of nicknames...." I summed up. he laughed..... oh wow what a..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! "my name is Liam." he smiled he seemed to have a British accent.

"Hey I don't think I've seen you around school here, are you new?" Weeeeelllllll Crap. "Uh.... Um... yeah, we.... uhh... just... moved here... from uhh... Lon...Don. yeah, my sisters and I just moved..." I gulped "From London." I absolutely SUCK at lying. " That's cool! My parents sent me here to the states, from Wolverhampton because I was getting bullied at my old school. moving didn't change much though..." Awwkkkkward... "Ahhh, so what's the name of the school?" I asked, not sure how to respond. "Blue Ridge High School." he answered. "Cool well we'll be enroll...." I saw the vine snaking towards us. crap I can't control my powers yet. "ing... annnndddddd Now you get to come meet my sisters!" I grabbed his arm and started running. "oKAy then!" he laughed "What's your rush?" I didn't answer, I was trying to send the vine back, but to no avail. it started coming faster "OH COME ON!!!!!" I screamed out of exasperation. Liam finally looked back and saw the vine. "Holy....!" "Yeah I know! just keep running!" we ran through the doors and I put all my effort, energy, power, and Mind set into sending it back and flicked my wrist just as it was about to wrap around us. It snapped like a whip, and moved backwards to where ever it came from. I breathed a sigh of relief. "What. the. Bloody. Hell. Was. that?" Liam panted. "Probably just a hose." I said nonchalantly. he looked at me like I was crazy. "That.. that.. uh. tt..that was... you know what, i'm not even going to ask." he surrendered. I smiled. "come along then LiLi! lets go meet my crazy, girly, and shy sisters! one will think i'm crazy for talking to you, one will probably go on a flirting spree, and one will probably not talk to you at all!" "LiLi?" "That's all you got out of that whole conversation? Come on!"

Sorry its short! Wattpad decided to stop working on my tablet and I lost a lot of work. :-( but I will update some more as soon as I can! see ya!

AbbyJ out!

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