Alex: The Day before School

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I woke up slowly and stretched my arms out. Tessa and Liberty still weren't awake, but apparently Syd was. I peeked my head in and saw a note on her bed-

Went to go to the pool, be back soon


I went back to my room and changed out of my baggy pajama pants and oversized t-shirt into my one piece and a green swimsuit cover. right before I left, I signed my name on Syd's note as well.  I walked out, taking a key card with me, and went down to the pool. I sat down in the hot tub and watched Syd practice laps. when she finished, she finally noticed me, and joined me in the hot tub. we chatted for a little while, playing with our powers at the same time. We finally went up stairs, back to our room, and only Tessa was up. She smiled at us, and continued reading her book. I decided to pop into the shower to get the smell of chlorine off me. I went to my suitcase and picked out a pair of green skinny jeans, a rich, earthy brown Shirt, and some knee-length boots. I went and took my shower, then changed. I brushed out my hair and left it to dry. by this point the other girls were up, so Tessa and I went down to get coffee. The other girls said the didn't want any, so I got a French vanilla cappuccino and Tess got black coffee. we took the lift back upstairs and got all of our stuff together. We were finally able to fit all of our new stuff into our cars, because we wouldn't be able to use the rental car again. Then Leia decided to go back to the store. I think we were all about ready to strangle her, but we restrained... that is until she dragged us off to "Great hair-cuts". She made all of us get hair cuts. Lottie got a simple trim, Syd got extensions and a highlighting, and Leia got her hair volumized and highlights. Liberty got some highlights and straightening, since her hair was really wavy, Tessa got a perm (Leia practically forced her too...) and I got deeper coloring, along with some dead ends trimmed off. when we were done, we had to almost drag Leia to the car, and keep watch while Tessa and Lottie got Flame Broiler. We ate and then we were on the road again. Liberty dropped off to sleep, and when we got back in to town, we drove her to her house. We woke her up, and helped her get all of her stuff inside. When we finally got home and got all of our stuff inside, we were all ready to drop, so we made our way upstairs, and crashed. Ready for our first day of school tomorrow.


This was just kind of a filler chapter, i'm sorry its short, first day of school is coming up, possibly later tonight, biiiiiigggggg surprise a head, i'll give you two words as a clue: Enemy infiltration! anywho, hope y'all enjoyed this chappie!


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