Alex: Liam meets my CRAZY family

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Woah! we passed 150 reads! thank you guys sooooo much! you're AWESOME! :oD Lots of Liex fluff just as a warning for those that don't like the ship. 


As we walked through the store, I told Liam a little bit about myself, and eventually asked him to come to dinner tonight. He accepted and decided, since it was getting late, he would just follow us home. we laughed and chatted for a while then he asked me if there was a reason I had been so distant when I bumped into him. I told him all about Robert and Melissa, but on a 'mortal', per say, level. Example- i told him Robert was my crazy ex whom i had just bumped into and Melissa was his sister. Not to far off.  for whatever reason, i trusted him. we finally wandered our way to the sports section and I stopped dead in my tracks, my jaw hanging open. Tessa was talking to a boy, and it didn't look like it was about sports. She looked up and saw me. "Ally! this is Liberty and Nathaniel. they live up here too." she smiled and I grinned at Liberty and Nathaniel then said " 'scuze us for a moment" I grabbed Tessa's arm and walked to the next isle. "who are you and what have you done with my sister?" she laughed and I realized something. "you like him, don't you?" "what.. what... no, no of c... c.. course not." "uhhuh."  "well what about you and Mr. whatshisname?" "Bloody Hell, I left liam there." "ahh so its Lia..... ahhh!" I grabbed her and ran back to them. "sooo  sorry about that. this is Liam! Li, this is my sis Taressa." he smiled, dang, I have never fallen this hard. urg. "you ok Alex?" "huh?" "you just, uh, urged...." opps. "yeah. I... I...I'm fine..." his face was laced with concern... awww..... "well, I'm going to go find Leia and Syd, come along LiLi! see ya Tess!" "LiLi?" Liberty, Nathaniel, and Ress chorused. "seriously? that's all anybody ever notices?" I shook my head . I decided to look for Leia. *sigh* clothes section, here we come. 


We walked towards the clothes section and Liam and I started talking about the school. apparently it was on spring break, and they go back to school in a week. we decided to enroll on the way home. when we found the clothes section, it wasn't that hard to find Leia. in truth I was slightly scared. Leia was super pretty and could attract the attention of boys everywhere. I didn't want Liam to immediately like her more, but when we found her, he didn't look twice. We chatted with her for a little while, and then she went off to the changing rooms, so we went to find Syd. "so far, your family is really nice!" Liam said. I laughed as I continued to think about how scared I was about Liam meeting Leia. he smiled "What?" he said.

"Well, in truth, I was terrified to introduce you to my family. Tessa can connect with boys when it comes to sports. Syd, well you still haven't met her yet, but she can attract boys with her quiet demeanor. and Leia. ohhh Leia. She is so much more pretty than, ANY of us, especially me..." I mumbled the last bit, but apparently Liam heard me. he stopped walking and whipped me around. I was afraid I had said something wrong until he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Don't. Ever. Say. You're Less Than your sisters, because you are not. From what i've seen so far, You're observant, intelligent, and frankly, I think you're gorgeous." I felt my face getting red and I smiled at the ground "Come on, I think I see Syd." I grabbed his hand and ran toward the art section. He laughed again "Seriously, what is it with you and grabbing my hand, then running?" I whipped my head back and smiled. He returned it. Urg.Stupid Aether heart triggers. when an Aethen falls in love, that love can never be broken, and an Aethen can fall in love with somebody just by looking in their eyes. eyes are the windows of the soul. When I looked into his eyes, I saw many things, but I mainly saw rejection and loneliness. and I was going to change that.


  When we found Syd, she was looking at paintbrushes and canvases. she had a bunch of paints in her basket and my basket was next to hers. "You left your basket in the beauty section Xandi. What's up?" well that dampened my mood. I sighed "Robert." her eyes widened tremendously. I decided to change the subject and tell her later. "This is Liam, he's my new Best friend, he's coming back with us for dinner, and we need to enroll in school." I smiled. she shook her head and smiled. "Then lets go get Tess and Leia and go enroll in school." 


When we got Leia and Tessa I told them about the credit cards being tracked. I thought it would be safe to use them here since Robert already knew about us being here. the girls agreed with me but wondered how we were going to be able to get the things that we would need. Liam looked up "Showlow always has jobs avalible.... pretty much everywhere...." 

"Well i guess we are going job hunting tomorrow..." Syd metioned She smiled a half smile and we proceeded to check out. the Cashier looked at me with wide eyes after she scanned my card. you don't even want to know how much all of ours were combined. she probably thought we were princesses or something.... wait.... hehe we finished and went to go enroll at Blue Ridge.


When we got to the car Leia plugged in her earbuds and started singing Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus Our new favorite song. since i love singing i joined her, then Syd, then finally Tessa. I continued following Liam to the school and by the time we had finished it, we were at the school. "Well this ought to be fun." Said Tessa when we saw that Liam's car was being mobbed by people.


I Pushed past them figuring Liam was the popular kid until One Girl that was wearing too much make-up said in a disgusted tone "You're frineds With Liam?" I turned around slowly and pierced her with an icy gaze. I could practiclly feel my eyes turning the color of storm clouds in a downpour. the normaly gold rim around my pupil turned silver like lightning and i said "Yeah. Do you have a bloody problem with that?" i said in an utterly calm voice. like the calm before a storm. everyone in the group got absolutly silent, and she backed away so fast she hit the car behind her. "" Her eye's wide with fear. "Thats what i thought. now I think you all should leave." I said. they all turned and ran. but not after one of the Jocks pushed Sydney down... on purpose. that pushed Tessa, Leia and I over the limit. Right as Liam got out of the car, our powers erupted. The wind threw him off his feet, and vines started tangling him up, as a ring of fire circled around him. All of a sudden, water doused the flames and the vines and wind receeded. "That is enough." Syd said"It was probably just an accident." We all looked at her incrediously. the jock took that as his chance to run. Liam stared at us, almost in fear. Great the day i make a friend, i lose one. i sighed and started walking towards the school dejected. He started running towards me and about halfway there i turned around to face the music, and he picked me up and spun me around. "That was Amazing Lexi!!!" My heart lept for Joy. He sat me down and hugged me. "Thank-you." I heard him say so that only i could hear him. I smiled and nuzzeled my head into the crook of his neck and inhaled. he smelled like collogne, parchment, and pine trees. The girls walked over and Tessa said, "Come on love birds!" I flushed a deep red and we pulled apart. Liam Smiled and said "Come on, lets go get you girls enrolled for school."


Welp. there it is. i hope y'all liked it, we'll try to update again as soon as possible! :-)


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