Tessa: A Way back Home

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Hey guys! Whats up? This is AbbyJ here, Talyiah is on a hunting trip so i'm going to be writing this chapter. Enjoy!!


Potions and Portals! I thought, sitting up straight. I grabbed My robe and slippers and raced downstairs. Once I got to the library, I heard the soft padding of feet behind me and saw glowing green eyes. I yelped quietly and lit my hand on fire, only to see in was P.B. I sighed in relief and lit a candle with the snap of my fingers. I leafed through the book until I found what I was looking for.

To create a portal to Aether, one must combine the elements of power with these ingredients. The root of a hushleberry bush, a flame lit on a piece of a gronium branch, a droplet of the purest water from the heran pool, a south wind from the Blowing Taverens, and a spiral of Magic from the Aethen crown. Once combined, a controller of the Elements must chant these words; Lo Bynaum fodrien, gothernum ki Aether, fod triment mytan. Grent hiym vertoin fod Aether, Grent triment mytan jehof. Lenk re fod leng Setrien, Lenk re fod leng derin. It ended here. Of course I translated it simply, It was in my natural tounge; I Command thee, Portal of Aether, to revel itself. Find the way to Aether, find the way home. Lead me to my destiny, lead me to my clarity. We could get almost everything. Except a spiral of Aethen Magic. That would take one of us putting in all of our power, or a chip off the elemental stone... Which we didn't have. I sighed heavily and realized the sun was rising. I needed to get ready for school so I wouldn't be late. I trudged to the kitchen and defrosted some pancakes and made bacon. I filled three plates for the girls and ate up. once I finished and walked to the lift, I heard the girls stumbling down the stairs, yawning. I smiled and shook my head, going up to my room, clutching the book to my chest. As soon as the lift doors opened up, I stepped out and scurried to my room. I put my book on my bedside table and I walked to my closet, grabbing a pair of denim shorts, a red mickey mouse shirt, a pair of red mickey mouse converse, and a black beanie. I took a quick shower, and once I got out, I straightened my hair. in all honesty, I hated the perm and only got it because Leia Talked my ear off trying to convince me to get it. once the last strand was straight. I threw on my clothes and element ring. I popped in some Cherry studs and walked into my room. I grabbed my backpack off the floor and raced downstairs to get to school. The girls had obviously just finished getting ready. I looked at the clock, and upon realizing we had ten minutes to get to school, ran outside, saying a quick good-bye to P.B.



I dragged myself out of BootBarn, and into my car. Alex soon joined me, and I drove through tacobell before we went home. On the way home, I told Xandi about what I had found. "A Hussleberry bush takes about a week to grow, and growing a gronium branch can take almost as long. And then the Aethen magic is almost impossible to..." Her phone rang cutting her off. She saw it was Syd and picked it up. As we stopped at a red light, about to go straight, she yelled "GO RIGHT!" I swerved quickly and set down a dirt road. "Turn Left at the stop sign." about 20 miles out, I saw a ranch sign that said "Crystal Waters Ranch" As I drove up, Syd ran out, wearing a blue tshirt shirt, cuffed jeans, and tan combat boots. Her hair was up in a braid to bun look. We got out and she practically dragged us to the river that was surrounding the ranch. Her face was lit up with excitement and I saw Leia drive up and come join us. Syd used her element to make a large droplet of water from the river and when it rose up, I gasped. The bottom of the droplet, which mirrored the riverbed, was filled with Aethen Crystals. I quickly grabbed some while Alex went and got a leather satchel from the car. I told the girls about the plan, and Sydney worked on getting a droplet of the water. Once it appeared, she caught it in a small vial and corked it. Leia found a south wind and blew it into a glass jar. I sealed it off, breathing in the last little bit of Aethen Air as Leia stopped. All we had to do now was grow the bush and branch. We had found a way back home. We were going to save Aether.


Sorry it's short. I'm writing this while my little cousins are bugging the crap out of me, so if there are some mistakes, that's why. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed!


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