Leia & Alex: School dinner and work

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Leia's POV:

Inside i was still seething. I just couldn't believe that guy had the nerve to knock Syd over. She is pretty much my Bestest best friend in the whole world. Alex and i had a balanced sistership, Tessa and i could tolerate each other, but Syd and I are Besst friends. I couldn't live without her. so if anyone hurts her, they have to deal with me. 

as we walked in to the school, i pulled her back and asked her if she was okay. "Yeah. I... I'm fine." she said nodding her head reassuringly, but i could see tears gathering in her eyes. "If that dude comes around again, i'm going to blow him to siberia..." i said under my breath. she laughed "Where did you find out about Siberia?" "I read you know!" She smiled. "Lets go." 

We walked through the doors and caught up with the others who were at the front desk. soon we were all signed up for school and ready for school on Monday, one week from now. 

Alex POV:

We decided that Liam would follow us to our house and stay for dinner. he probably thought we were crazy when we pulled down the road into the forest, but once we got to the house he just stared up at it, his mouth agape. i smiled at him and said "Come on." I walked up to the house and unlocked it. "Feel free to walk around the house, the upper five levels are our flats and the guest flat." I said. with that Liam started up the stairs. "There is a lift too!" I yelled from the kitchen. i heard him run down the stairs and ring the lift. I grinned to myself and started on dinner. My specialty is clam chowder, the only mortal food that is in Aether, so i decided to make that i got it started and asked Tessa to set the table. she walked in and started getting stuff ready. Shes my best friend. her and i have similar personalities, but she is a little more sporty than me. i still do sports, but her life centers around sports. other than that we're practiclly twins. she walked back in and hopped on the counter top. 

"Soooo... what sports are you going out for?" typical Tessa i smiled and replied 

"Probably girls basketball, baseball, archery, fencing, tennis, and karate." She scrunched up her nose when i said karate. She hates it. "What about you?"

"Soccer, Basketball, archery, fencing, gymanstics, and track and field." Wow for once, we had the same amount of sports. we talked some more about rooms and school and sports until dinner was ready. she helped me get it all served up then we called everyone in. once we finished i walked back into the kitchen and got a carrot cake i had bought at the store. i got it cut up and put it on plates. i started some coffee and got it all set up in the living room everyone sat down and we talked for a little while. liam was still going on about how amazing the house is, up intil he needed to start heading back home. he thanked us for dinner and gave me a hug. "See ya tomorrow for job hunting!" he said "Meet you at starbucks at 10?" i replied. "Deal!" he shouted before he drove on back home. i smiled and returned to the house, to see everyone going into the lift. i grabbed my coffee and slipped into the elevator with the girls soon i was the only one in the elevator. i finished the ride up and went into my room.

Leia's POV: 

Once i slipped out of the elevator with my cappachino, i walked into my beautiful room. It had a cream carpet and Coffee and cream walls. the bedspread was brown with white swirls the sheets were the same color as my walls and i had a bunch of pillows. i walked into my closet and put away all my new clothes. i grabbed my white button up pj shirt and cotton pj pants along with my slippers and underwear. i walked into the bathroom and started the shower. i washed my hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner than hopped out. "Heated floors!" the tile instantly got warmer. i got changed then threw my hair up into bun. i walked into my bedroom then got under the covers and turned out the lights. i closed my eyes and finally drifted off the sleep.


Heyo guys! i got this chapter up sooner than i thought i would! hope you guys like reading from a new POV, Tessa's will be up too very soon! Hope you enjoyed!


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