Sydney: Already...

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I just walked out of the pool one morning when I heard a scream. I ran into Leia's room with my natural swim suit was still activated, thank god, she was no where to be seen.

"Leia! Are you in hereeeee!" I was pulled into a room, just like my library, but a bit bigger in size. Mostly because it was a dance room. Before I could consult Leia to not scream like that ever again, I noticed she was doing pirouettes and not going to listen to me so I decided, hey if you can't consult them, join em'. I was leaping a spinning around staring in the mirror as Leia and I acted like two monkeys trying to keep balance. Then I realized that there was a note tapped to the mirror.

"Here you are a room for the stars" read Leia aloud.

"Well now we know the witch had a favorite." I stared at her.

"What?" She looked confused.

"So where is this place anyway?" I questioned her.

"oh it was behind my closet door. I saw a poster of some famous dude named "Justin Beiber" ugly really in my opinion, so I took it down and Hit this button right behind there- or maybe i smaked one under a shelf with me knee, not really sure, and the wall spun around into THIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

"Wow, just like the library."

"The what?"

"Oh I haven't showed you yet. Have I?"

I dragged Leia to my room and showed her my book case.

"Ohh tough luck huh?" she said disappointed.

"I thought that too until," I pulled out a book pushed her closer to the wall and it turned around,"that happened."

"Wow! Really spacey and booky. That's what you meant when you said librar- are those Disney movies?"

"Yep!" I said as I smiled.

"Can we watch one pretty please!" she begged. I checked my watch. 2:30 pm.

"Ya, I got some time."

We watched the Incredibles, Finding Nemo and UP. When we were all over it was around 8:00 and I remembered I needed to go Skype Nathalie and Evie about our history proect.

"Hey!" I said happily over the phone. I thought it was a better idea to call them and tell them I'm ready before I just Skype.

"You know I think we should just come over to your house. Are you able to do that?"

"Uhhhh...." I checked to see if Tess or Alex were home. They weren't so I went ahead and said,"Yeahhhh."

Evie and Nathalie came over around 8:20. Before then was pretty interesting. I told Leia they were coming so she invited Lotty over too so she wouldn't feel like a loner. Lotty cam around 8:30 so Evie and Nathlie got to meet her. Other than that I was running up and down the lift bringing every book on the topic down stairs. Evie rang the door bell with Nathalie seconds later. Then we got to work.

"So in European history- Okay I'm bored already. So you think we should film?" Evie said impatiently.

"Ummm I'm not so sure-" I was cut off.

"Yeah we should and if you don't feel comfortable you can be the camera man." She graciously put out. I am good with techy stuff so what could go wrong?

Around ten we finished our filming and Evie headed home. Nathalie stayed behind to help edit the video. She left about an hour later and I was alone to sleep on the table from exhaustion.Alex and Tess got home at Midnight... I think. woke me up and took me to the lift where I walked out, sat on my bed and dozed off.

I woke up at 10:43 am. Pretty late for me but I was tired. I had an hour to get ready so I didn't want to be late and got ready. I took a shower while listening to I can go the distance from Hercules. I ran out to the car wearing a blue t-shirt with a pocket in deep blue, blue cuffed jeans, tan destressed combat boots, my ring, a dream catcher necklace, and my hair in a top braid into half bun updo. I got to crystal ranch and was enjoing a quiet day brushing out the horses when a text message showed up from Alex saying that we found a way home. I was disapointed but i knew we had to- if we didn't we wouldn't even be able to stay here.

I needed to cool off. I walked over to the river and starting thinking. My boss came over to say that if i wanted to go home early today i could since it wasn't being overly busy.

"I'll take you up on that. Hey Dave- why is the ranch named Crystal Waters ranch?"

"Oh well my great-great grandfather found this land and thought it would be perfect for a ranch. When they were cleaning up the place his daughter, my great aunt went into the creek and she stepped onto these crystals." He fished his hand in the creek and grabbed a fistful of Aethen Crystals. "My Great grandfather was a geologist and he said he had never seen crystals like this before. It was an amazing discovery." He dropped the Crystals back into the river and stood up. "Anyway, there you go squirt the story of Crystal waters ranch." He ruffled my hair and walked back into the ranch house.

I called Alex and said "You need to come here now. Where are you?"

"S Hunters run..." 

"Turn right now."


"I found Aethen Crystals." 

"TURN RIGHT!" I heard her shout. I could almost hear the tires squealing as Tessa Swearved. 

"Ok turn left at the stop sign and then drive for about 20 miles and you'll be at the ranch." 

"K bye." 


I called Leia and She said she was on her way.

About 20 minutes later I heard a car pull up and saw it was Tess and Alex. I ran out to pull them over to the creek. Seconds later Leia pulled up and walked over. I showed them all the crystals. Leia got some winds and I got a drop of water after some serious concentrating. We gathered a small bag of crystals after i asked Dave if we could take a couple. He said it was fine. Alex told us the plants would take a week to grow and so that meant we had a week left.

Element Sisters *EDITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ