Sydney: First day of school

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Hey guys sorry for not updating for a while trying to get back to my 4.0 gpa. Well i hope you like this chapter!


Ahh the first day of school. I was so anxious instead of waking up at 7:00, like I planned, I woke up at 5:00 and couldn't fall back asleep. I figured, hey you got up early... to uhhh... SWIM! I swam a couple of laps in the pool then took a shower. I figured why not smell great! So I used watermelon shampoo and ocean breeze, a risk but hey it smelled good and I couldn't decide... Anyway right away I went in my closet and put on blue jeans and a flowery tanktop. I also put on Blue distressed converse and put my hair in a side French braid, with I tie that I made from water, hardening it into soft spikes.

I walked downstairs and saw Alex and Tess. Leia walked up behind me and was telling me about how one should dress fancy on the first day, especially since this was a new school and all. I told her that I was just going to be myself and if that meant I wasn't with the popular's I didn't mind.

I ate eggs and bacon... Alex may have taken a piece but I just took her toast. She may have admitted it but I didn't.

I got into my mustang with Leia. We drove to school and saw all the people. But first, before we socialized we went with Alex to find Liam. We saw him getting beat up and all fought. I didn't get into it that much because I don't do well in those type of situations. I helped a bit with the technology, cameras, and things of that sort.

I found my locker, no. 346, right by my first class. Speaking of first class, my schedule went

1. Math

2.Social Studies


4. Lunch

5. Science

6. German

7. Language Arts

Extra Course- Art

"Ahh art, what a great way to let it all out!" I said, not realizing I said it out loud.

"What was that? You have art Extra too!" said this girl. She had dark brown hair and big eyes with fair skin. She wore a Flower shirt, and had a big smile with lavender braces.

"Yaaa..." I smiled. She seemed nice! how bad could this be? "My name is Sydney. My sisters call me Syd for short. But I honestly don't really care."

"That's a cool name. I wish my parents called me that, but no my name is Evie."

"Why hello Evie," I said with a fancy british accent and bowed. I giggled as I came up. I guess it was also funny to her because she laughed too."So art Extra, is it fun?"

"Totally! Mrs Crowley is da"

"Cool! What do we do exactly?"

"Well right now people are working on their Georgia O'Keefe flowers. They are pretty easy. But others have already started on their linolieum blocks. Mrs. Crowley will help you!"

"Thanks. Also one more thing, can I see your schedule real fast, I think we- Wow! I was right! We have the exact same schedule!"

"Cool! So on to math?"

"Yep! Let's go!"

We went to math, Mrs. Earnheart was posted on the door. I walked to the front to introduce myself.

"Why hello! Who are you?" Mrs. Earnheart said kindly.

"I'm Sydney Aether. I'm new to the school."

"Oh here you are, I can't wait to teach you Algebra 2!"

"I can't wait to start!" I sat down in my seat as people stared at me. I got lucky enough to sit next to Evie. She passed me a note that said

Perky aren't you?

I stared at it and wrote back

No I am really shy. Why?

She sent it back my way with

You + Teacher= A+ in bold

I giggled to myself and Mrs. Earnhart chose me to answer the question.

Uhhhh. I saw I could do the problem so easily it was everyone staring at me that threw me off.

"x=43. Oh I mean 34." I sank into my chair with a red face. How stupid I am. I knew the right answer but got it wrong! How!

 The bell rang and we walked to Social Studies



during science, I began to get bored, and I could see that Tessa was too. I came up with a brilliant plan and whispered it to Tessa. she agreed, but the teacher heard. "Do you want to share that with the class Tessa?" I heard the nerds and popular snickered but Tessa simply said "No sir, that's why I whispered it." "BURN!" Nathalie yelled. my eyes widened. "Crap." I muttered. the match that the teacher was holding lit and burned his fingers. he looked surprised, but began to lit another one anyway. time to put our plan in action. as soon as he lit it, instead of fire, it was water. it was an effortless little trick, and Tessa just had to make sure the fire didn't take over the water. I thought it would look kinda cool however, so I let a bit of fire in, so it was fire encased in water. students started snapping pictures, and the teachers face was priceless. I finally let the water go, and the fire burned the match down. Tessa and I high fived under the table. I smirked at the nerds faces; absolutely astonished. the bell rang loudly, and Tessa and I got up and left, making sure we had our homework, and Nathalie and Evie followed.


Nathalie and Evie had German too so we walked together to Mr. Learn's class. Kind of ironic that a teacher's name was learn.

We got settled in and once again, I introduced myself and became on his good side or as Evie would say Sydney + Teacher= A+.

Mr. Learn thought he would get away with challenging me and questioned me to talk about myself in German. I did.

"Nun Sydney, kümmert es dich, über sich selbst zu der Klasse zu sprechen?(Well Sydney, do you care to talk about yourself to the class?)" He said sparingly.

"Hallo. Ich bin Sydney Äther. Ich liebe Disney, Arzt, und Kunst. Ich habe auch viel Spaß beim Lesen und ja, bevor Sie fragen, ich bin aus London.(Hello. I am Sydney Aether. I love Disney, doctor who, and art. I also enjoy reading and yes, before you ask, I am from London.)" I said delightedly.

"Na dann, danke Sydney. Haben Sie vor gelehrt?(Well then, thank you Sydney. Have you been taught before?)"

"Ja(yes)" Everyone, again stared at me in awe for talking to the teacher so easily in German. Evie and Nathalie seemed fine with it so I was happy about that. At least not everyone is amazed.


Evie and I walked to Art together and I said hi to Mrs. Crowley. She directed me to choose a flower to draw and color in with oil pastels. I chose a flower, grid, and had 3/4 of the drawing done by the end of the period, and I talked to Evie and her best friend Nathalie. Nathalie was from vietnam, I found out when she asked if I was british, and she had long black hair with a soft curl to it. She was obviously fashion forward. Once the bell rang we all exchanged numbers and walked to our lockers together.

And at last the school day was over! I said goodbye to Evie and Nathalie and left with Leia in my mustang.


I know it's short, i'm sorry guys! We'll get some more updates going soon! Promise!!


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