Alex: Palaces and Elements

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my jaw dropped. something you should know is that, besides clothing, music, and food, the mortal world and Aether are practically the same. I looked at the stairs that would lead upstairs to the bedrooms and shouted

"everyone fends for themselves!" I heard Syd shout at the same time "First come first serve bases!" I ran up the stairs, with the girls at my heels. I ran to the end of the hallway, and up the next few flights of stairs. I reached the top  after running through 9 or 10 levels of the house and ran into the one farthest down the corridor. I flung the door open , made sure it was large and comfortable and collapsed. I caught my breath and took a good look around the room. my breath hitched in my throat. to say it was beautiful would be an understatement. the windows were floor length like in Aether. the walls were painted like a forest and were so realistic, I wondered if i was on the top floor and not in the forest. a fire crackled in a large two way fire place. the bed was a king sized bed and the covers were beautifully hand crafted. they were a royal green with golden swirls and dark brown undertones. the pillows were similar but with larger designs. the sheet were green with golden undertones and were soft as silk but as warm as flannel, like it was heated and cooled at your liking. as I sat down it contoured to my body shape and was the most comfortable thing in the worlds. it had a bedside lamp that was a gold stand and green cover. a bookshelf stood on the other side of the bed stocked with my favorite books. a 70" flat screen TV was hooked on the wall in front of my bed. I got up and peeked in the bathroom. it. was. HUGE! you could fit two of Aether's armies in here and there would still be room for the rest of the kingdom. and no. I am NOT exaggerating. the shower stood in the corner and had frosted panels. its door opened wide and had fully stocked shampoo and conditioner and body wash and everything I needed. I closed the door and walked to the tub and saw it could fit at least three people in here. it had a  Jacuzzi feature too. I took about twenty normal steps to reach the sink, mirror and loo (A/N they are kind of British so that's why they talk like that. if you don't know the loo is the toilet.) the mirrors had lights all around them and circled from the door to the shower in a corner or the bathroom. the cabinets held my favorite brand of toothpaste and a new tooth brush as well as 'make up' and other items. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the mini refrigerator. it had metal cans full of drinks and cheese, ham, all my favorite foods. I made my way to the closet and dresser. I opened the closet door and practically had a heart attack. I had a mini mall in here. I looked around and left before I fainted. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen, where the girls were. I smiled.

"i'm going to take a shower, alright?" I asked. they nodded so I went back to the stairs. the downfall of choosing the highest room. About 10 flights of stairs. I sighed, but then noticed something in the corner

"no way" I breathed. I walked towards it and saw that it was, in fact, a lift. I smiled and got in. I saw a button at the top that had an 'A' on it. I pushed it and before I knew it, I was back in my own room. I smiled to myself and walked in my mall, err, closet. I looked through my pajamas and decided on a green sweatshirt and brown capris made of sweats material that said Love down the side. I wandered into my bathroom and turned the water on. the hot water came on and I set my clothes on the counter when I noticed a speaker and I pod. I turned it on looking for any instrumental music, but found none. so I picked a song called heart attack by 'Demi Lavoto'. I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

I'm putting my defenses up. Cuz don't want to fall in love. if ever did that, think I'd have heartattatatatatack.

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