Chapter 5

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Tobin's Pov. 

I was planning on going to the courtyard to meet up with Christen until when I told Alex that I was going to see her, she immediately said that Christen must've gotten confused between the two of us and that she was supposed to see Alex. I believed her, but of for some reason something inside of me thought that she wasn't telling the truth. But I shoved that feeling down. I didn't want to doubt Alex on the first couple of days of her being my girlfriend. 

After Alex and I parted, I walked to meet up with the others. I found Lauren and Amy sitting on one of the benches of the hallway, and plopped down next to Amy. 

"What's up Tobin?" 

"Nothing much, just trying to get through today." 

"Same, I thought that I failed my Chemistry test today," said Lauren. 

"Did you?" I asked. 

"I don't know, but theres probably a good chance that I did."

"Stop saying that. I hate it when people who are really smart say that they either didn't do well on homework or that they failed their test and turns out they get a really good grade. Just keep your comments about your grades to your self," huffed Amy, crossing her arms. 

"Someone's in a chippy mood," I teased. 

"Oh shut up." 

There was a moment of quietness. The bell rung, saying that last block was about to start. I hurried to my class, and sat down at a desk. When the bell rung again, Christen wasn't here. That's weird. I know that she's trying to get into a really tough school and skipping a class isn't the best thing to do. 

The teacher started the lesson, and as always, I grew kind of bored. I looked out the window, and saw that it was a perfect sunny day. I held my pen, and I kept on clicking at it. I would write stuff down, and the teacher had to yell at a few people. When class finished, i hurried out the door, and saw Alex. I walked over to her with a big smile, and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

I gave her a hug, and her arms were wrapped around my neck, "I missed you babe," I whispered in her ear. 

"Stop that tickles," she giggled, trying to get out of my grip. 

I kept a firm hold on her, and we started to laugh. There was no one from our soccer team here so it was a safe. Alex held her soccer bag, which I offered to carry for her down to the locker room. 

"Tobin your such a gentleman," she teased. 

"Anything for you," I said. 

She blushed. We walked down, and before we walked in, she took the bag from me. We talked before that we would walk in were I wasn't carrying her stuff. We didn't want to give anything away. We walked in, and almost everyone was here. I then searched the room, and saw Christen.  She kept her head down, and she looked like she did not want to be here. I gave her some space. 

When I was getting dressed, I pulled off my shirt, exposing my abs. When I lifted my head, I saw Alex checking me out. She bit her bottom lip, and I knew that she liked what she saw. When I was done, I walked down with Alex to the fields, and when we arrived at the bench, I started to put on my shin guards. I usually placed them at the bottom of my legs, exposing the upper leg part. People told me that you could really see my calve muscles. I didn't put them lower just so that people could see my muscles, which I didn't mind, but that I didn't want anyone kicking my ankles and they just felt comfortable. 

I put on my cleats, and started to do my regular routine of starting off with some judges. I was doing it for awhile, and I was at 65 until captains came. We then did our regular routine, and when we stopped from our lap around the field, Jill was sitting down. 

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