Chapter 11

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Tobin's Pov.

I was kind of excited to crash the jocks' party. I know that Christen wasn't a fan of doing this kind of thing. I walked around my neighborhood and when I reached the park, I saw Mall sitting on a bench reading a book.

"Hey Mall, what's up?"

"Nothing I guess," she said, not looking up.

"You make it really easy for me to know you are not okay. What's wrong?" I giggled.

"I'm just not comfortable having my team doing illegal things. You guys could get arrested and who knows how that could effect your college applications and..."

"Okay slow down. I get that your afraid of what the consequences are. I was to at your age. Trust me, I didn't want to do this either. I thought that I wasn't making the right decision, and I know that I don't make the proudest decisions."

"I just hope you guys are okay," she sniffled.

"Don't worry, Becky and Carli will make sure we don't do anything that could have us hurt."

"You make it sound easy."

"This isn't our first time crashing someone's party," I chuckled.

Mall finally smiled. We talked some more, until she had to leave to babysit some kids. I kept on walking for awhile. I looked up and saw the sky. The sun started to set, making the sky have a blood red color. I came to the river that divided the park. I looked out, and closed my eyes, taking in everything. I loved being around a peaceful place where there were no car noise, no people around, and no fumes of gasses. I then heard a twig snap, and spun around. I didn't see anyone, or anything. I kept my guard up. I was not one to run away from something so easily.

"Come on out you mother fu..."

"Shhh, you'll scare the wild life," said a  young man's voice.

I was shocked. I looked around, and didn't see anyone. When I turned my head to the right, I then saw someone who looked like a jock form my school. I couldn't tell who it was, but then I saw the face more clearly, and it was Cole. The guy who talks to Christen. MY Christen.

"Sorry, thought you were someone else," I said, embarrassed.

"It's fine, I recognize you, a friend of Christen perhaps?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, she and I are pretty close friends," was all I said. I looked down. I felt the urge to tell him that we were more than that.

He nodded. He kept on walking, and stood next to me, facing the river. I felt really awkward. I didn't really know the guy. I shuffled my feet, and tried to come up with a question.

"Do you come out here ofter?" I asked sparking up a conversation.

"Try to. I like to come out here. I was thinking of showing this to my girlfriend," not taking his eyes off the river.

"You should, it would be good especially if you guys are new with each other."

"Thanks, you should take Christen up here too," he said.

He caught me off guard, "Wha...?"

"It's fine. I didn't have to tell me. But your reactions about Christen gave it away. You guys look cute anyways," he smiled.

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