Chapter 24

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Christen's Pov. 

When I woke up, I found a piece of dried cheese in my hair from the pizza that we had. Gross. I took a shower, and put on a bathrobe. I walked downstairs, and saw my mom making coffee. 

"Morning sweetie," she said, pouring me a cup. 

"Morning, dad up?" 

"He just walked out with the dog." 

I sat down on one of the bar chairs, and took a couple of sips, "I'm going to Tobin's today, she's going to the library today, and we're going to hang out after." 

"You two seem to be pretty close, you guys seemed to be besties," she said. 

"Yeah, you can say that." I haven't told her that I was dating someone. I told Tobin that it would take awhile for me to tell my parent, and she was complete behind that. 

I fixed a bowl of cereal, and flopped on the couch to watch t.v. After awhile, I looked at the clock, and it was 2 o'clock. I decided to get dressed. I put on a a pair of jeans, and a v-neck shirt and on top a jean jacket. I tied my hair up, and looked in the mirror for the last touch-ups. I grabbed my keys, and drove to Tobin's place. I came and knocked on her door, but no answer. I waited, and after what seemed forever, she didn't answer. Maybe she got tied up at the library. I drove there, and when I got there, I could't find her. I then saw a three-ring binder on the ground, and picked it up. I opened it, and it said "Tobin H."  That was weird. She must've dropped it as she was walking out. I then saw a string of papers on the ground, and it said "Hope S." Now I was worried. I decided to call  Kelley if she saw Hope at all today. 

Kelley's Pov. 

My phone buzzed, and saw Christen was calling me. 

"Sup' Chris." 

"Have you seen Hope today?" she asked strait forward.

"No, she went to the library, why?" 

"Cause I see that she left some papers here, along with Tobin's binder." 

"They must've forgot it. Hope didn't say anything about meeting up with Tobin, but they might have not known that they were both going  to be there." 

"Yeah, but its weird. I haven't seen Tobin as well." 


"Kells, its a Sunday." 

"Fine, but don't worry about it." 

I had to repeat those words. I wanted to believe her, but sometimes I overthought on things. I said okay, and hung up. I picked up the papers, and walked back to my car. I sat there for a moment, and decided to drive back home. When I arrived back, I did finish my homework, when my phone buzzed. I looked and it was a text from Ali. 

At hospital! Get your ass over here! The police found Tobin and Hope. ASAP!  

I dropped my phone. I was worried about this. I rushed out of the house. My mom was at this event volunteering, and my dad was out doing whatever. I drove straight  to the hospital, and rushed in. 

"Here for Hope Solo, what room?!" 

"She's still in surgery,  sorry hon' but can't tell much now," she sighed. 

"Thank you," she pointed to wear to sit, and saw the team there. They were earthier walking back and forth, bitting their nails, tapping their foot on the ground impatiently. I walked over, and when they saw me, some gave me a tight hug. 

"You okay Christen?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I'll be okay when Tobin is," was all she said. I looked over, and saw Alex. She was curled up in a chair, some tears escaped her eyes. I walked over. 

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