Chapter 10

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Kelley's Pov. 

I waited for Alex, but she never came. I was afraid this was going to happen. All I wanted to say that she needed to get her head out of her ass and back into the game. I know that she loved Tobin, but these kinds of shits happen. Surprisingly, I'm saying this form experience. I dated this guy named Adam Sweat. He was okay, but I knew that things wouldn't last. During the last couple of weeks, I was starting to have these weird feeling when Hope was around. I knew that I was starting to feel a connection, but I couldn't bring my hopes up. 

I headed out to my car, and before I could walked out the school, I was stopped by someone yelling my name. 

"Hey Kelley wait up!"

I could recognize the voice, but couldn't tell who it was. I slowly turned around, and my heart sinked, "What do you want, and how do you know my name?" I asked coldly to the jock. 

"Your pretty famous. Seen you on the field."

"Thanks, but don't know yours, and I don't want to," I said the last party really quietly so he wouldn't hear. 

"I didn't see you at the party, where you there?" 

"Well if you were one of those guys who beaten my teammates, I was there." 

"Sorry bout that, but they had it coming to be honest." 

"Stop right there, you and your friends are just guys who are desperate to try to get a girl to hook up with you. Or guys if your gay, but that's besides the point. I know your trying to hook up with me, and I'm sure all the girls would instantly say yes, but I say no."

He started to walk slowly towards me. I walked back, "You just need to loosen up. I know I haven't given the first impression, but let me make it up to you," it looked like he was about to grab me, so the first thing came to my mind. 

I kneed him in the balls, and pushed him to the ground. He yelled, and tried to stand back up again, "You bitch!" 

He grabbed me, and pinned me to the wall. I started to panic. He was so much stronger, and how was I supposed to get out of this? 

"Your going to end up just like your friends if you just relax. I don't want to hurt you," he said having his hot breath on me. It smelled really bad. 

"Okay okay, I'm going to calm down," I said reassuring. 

"I'm watching you O'Hara," he slowly let go of his grip. Man, he was really a stupid douchebag. 

When he was backed far enough, I swung my leg, and made contact with his shin. I made the kick like I was kicking a free kick. The leg felt like it cracked and made a dent. Shit I did some works. He screamed in pain and fell tot he ground again. 

"Make not of this douchebag, never mess with me, or my friends," I growled. 

I marched out of the school, and when I reached my car, I slammed the car shut, and gave a fist bump in then air. Mann that felt good back there. I then turned on the radio, and drove home. 

Hope's Pov. 

 As I was sitting on the couch watching soccer,  I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the window, and saw it was Carli. I opened the door, and she made a bee line to the kitchen. 

"Hey Carli, sure you can come in and raid my pantry," I said to myself. 

"I'm hungry okay?"

"Why don't you do this at your own house?" 

"Because we need to talk. Kelley."

I looked down at the floor. Oh jeez did I make it really obvious? "Okay what about her?" 

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